During the month of July, Wreaths Across America celebrates volunteer sponsorship groups and individuals during the Giving in July Campaign. The national nonprofit celebrates those who share the mission throughout the month of July.
Through this national program, WAA has given more than $17 million in local contributions over the last 14 years and has helped support local charitable efforts that include helping living veterans, combating homelessness, and feeding those in need.
In Virginia last year, the following local sponsorship groups ranked at the top in the state for their efforts to raise funds for local philanthropic efforts while raising wreath sponsorships for local service members laid to rest in their communities:
- St. Rita American Heritage Girls in Alexandria
- American Heritage Girls VA1148
- Herndon Woman’s Club in Herdon
- Sandston American Legion Post 242
- Women In Military Service for America Memorial in Fort Myer
- Cosby High School Boosters in Amelia Court House
- Civil Air Patrol Phoenix Squadron UT-048 in Bluffdale
- AHG Troop VA1318 in Yorktown
- American Heritage Girls VA0614 in Manassas
- St James American Heritage Girls Troop VA0681 in Fort Myer
“I have long said it would be disingenuous for us as an organization whose mission is to Remember the fallen, Honor those that serve and their families, and Teach the next generation the value of freedom, if we do not support other like-minded programs doing just that in their communities,” said WAA executive director Karen Worcester. “Our group Sponsorship program is a year-round effort, but through Giving in July we hope to remind people that veterans and our current military service protect us 365 days a year and it is never too early to make a difference in your own community.”
Wreaths Across America is best known for placing wreaths on veterans’ headstones at Arlington National Cemetery. However, in 2022, the organization placed more than 2.4 million sponsored veterans’ wreaths at 3,100 participating locations nationwide.
For more information, visit www.wreathsacrossamerica.org.