Kratom is a new and surprisingly widely used supplement that emerged on the scene in 2018. In this article, we’re going to give you some information about what kratom is, as well as information about how it’s delivered. You’ll learn what you need to know about kratom capsules, and how to stay best informed about this new supplement that some are claiming a miracle pain reliever, anesthetic, and psychotropic and more. If you still need more information be sure to check out
What is Kratom?
Kratom is the name that is of the mitragyna speciosa plant family. The tree itself is originally from parts of Asia including Thailand, Indonesia and a few others. It has been used in century old medicine shops and by apothecaries both there (ancient uses have been discovered), and it has numerous uses. The side effects can be psychotropic (this is from recent discovery of recreational use at higher doses). It has also been used for treating many other ailments though such as seizures, opioid addiction (such as heroin addiction), and even pain management. It’s not regulated by the FDA and they have also stated that they can’t say there is supporting evidence as to whether ingesting of it is safe or not.
The History of Kratom
Kratom has long been used by individuals overseas to treat coughs, diarrhea, and other digestive issues, as well as being used as a topical anesthetic. In Thailand, kratom is also used as a way to rid yourself of intestinal worm infections and more. There have been new studies after recent years when people in Asia started creating cocktails which involved soda, traditional cough medicine (usually those containing dextromethorphan, which in high doses can induce mild to severe hallucinations), and kratom leaves.
This modernly twisted tincture if looked at by possible side effects is about the equivalent to “chasing the dragon”, but in a liquid form. That is usually using caffeine, methamphetamine, and heroin (similar side effects), due to the stimulative properties of kratom. In 2018 however, the DEA tried to conduct a policy to make it a schedule 1 drug, which could make it illegal for anything other than strict medical supervision. The FDA rejected the proposal because they are still doing studies, and there is no evidence on whether the supplement itself is actually good or bad. Some states and cities however were able to get the product banned. Those states are Rhode Island, Vermont, Wisconsin, Indiana, Arkansas and Alabama. Cities include:
- Sarasota, Florida
- Union County, Mississippi
- Jerseyville & Alton, Illinois
- Denver, Colorado (They’ve got marijuana, so who cares right?)
- San Diego, California
Both Oregon and Louisiana have passed study bills that are enabling them to research it for legal purposes.
How Do I Stay Informed?
You can view user reviews of Kratom on sites such as WebMD, Wikipedia, and many other online stores. However, the best places to find out is literally by searching it. Be careful to make sure that a website isn’t trying to sell kratom when trying to get direct information. Most of the time when you research a resource such as this is only going to have advocates opinions who are trying to sell their product. You must also be careful when it comes to consuming kratom, because it has even been linked to some deaths, as well as severely unhealthy side effects (liver damage, hypertension, seizures similar to heroin overdose, tremors, extreme weight loss), and it can become physically addictive.