The Board of Directors of the United Way of Greater Augusta is very aware of the needs in the community. With the reduction of almost 70 percent in FEMA Emergency Food and Shelter Funding to the region and the increased demand for housing and utility assistance, it was important for the United Way to respond.
The United Way of Greater Augusta exceeded its $600,000 campaign goal for 2010-2011 due to the outpouring of donations from the community, but the need to the community is also growing exponentially. One of the most vital needs is in basic necessities; such as shelter and heat for the upcoming winter. There are also those individuals from the Beverly Hotel still trying to obtain permanent housing.
The Board of Directors awarded the Staunton Salvation Army $25,250, a portion which is specifically earmarked for the displaced Beverly Hotel residents, and $15,250 to the Waynesboro Salvation Army. This money is for new clients that are for the first time struggling to keep a roof over the families heads this year.
Judy Burtner, chairman of the Board, stated, “If we are to be true to our mission, to serve as a catalyst to improve the lives of people in our community, then we must respond when the community needs us to.”
Lt John Blevins, Salvation Army Waynesboro, stated: “We can really use the additional funds and we can put it to good use for many families who will be in need this winter.”
Maj. Samuel Hearne, Salvation Army Staunton, stated: “”This will give us the resources to get those from the Beverly settled in long-term living situations.”
Cynthia Pritchard, executive director of the United Way, said: “The reduction in FEMA Emergency Food and Shelter program for our region hit our area hard and the United Way wanted to make sure that people could be taken care of this winter.”
The United Way of Greater Augusta is currently in the midst of its 2012-2013 campaign, and the trend is looking positive for them to achieve their $700,000 campaign goal. The United Way is grateful to donors in the community who can see the needs and donate to the programs and service the United Way supports.