The concept of innovation is one that’s highly coveted in the business world, but have you ever wondered what happens after a great idea is introduced? How do you successfully put a new business idea into action? It can be tougher than it seems, and the work is hardly over once someone does have a seemingly brilliant idea.
It can be so tough to roll out innovation that there are some organizations solely dedicated to helping businesses do just that such as SIT, which has implemented the Ripple Model. This starts with fostering of creative thinking and goes all the way through to successful implementation. Borrowing from concepts like the Ripple Model and other frameworks, the following are some things to keep in mind to put great ideas to work in your business.
Align It with Overall Business Strategy
What happens when a new idea is introduced often is that it doesn’t align with the overall business strategy or objectives of the organization. If an idea isn’t in line with the vision and objectives of the business, it’s not going to take off.
When you’re encouraging new ideas and creative thinking from your employees, make sure they’re clear on what the larger strategies are.
Remain Flexible
While there are certain frameworks for the introduction of new ideas that can be useful, like the Ripple Model, within those frameworks, there still needs to be some level of flexibility.
You may find that your path to getting to the rollout of the product, service or new way of doing things takes a different route than you first expected, so bake this concept of flexibility into your overall implementation strategy.
Be Ready To Sell A Vision
When you’re starting a new business, you have to constantly be ready to sell a vision, and the same is true of introducing a new idea into an existing business. You need for other people to be able to see what you see, so in many ways, one of the critical components of the successful rollout of an innovative new idea or product is the ability to sell people on it.
You want to have everyone from key executives to employees understanding the unique value the new idea can bring.
As part of the metaphorical vision of the idea, you can also bring actual imagery to the equation whenever possible to make sure everyone has a clear perspective of what’s being introduced.
Take the Emotion Out of It
While you should be ready to sell your vision with enthusiasm, you have to make sure that the rollout of a new idea doesn’t become overburdened with emotion. Sometimes company leaders and employers can mistake excitement for a new idea as the idea being too risky.
It’s important that while you maintain your sense of enthusiasm that you also focus on the logistics and don’t get to overwhelmed only with a sense of emotion.
Above all, as you implement new business ideas it’s critical that you remain strategic. Yes, you want innovation, but not at the sake of other things, and if you keep a strategy in mind, it can help you avoid some of the risks of new rollouts.