Home Staunton District Traffic Alert: April 18-22
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Staunton District Traffic Alert: April 18-22


road-work-headerThe following is a list of highway work that may affect traffic in the Staunton District during the coming weeks.

The Staunton District is comprised of 11 counties: Alleghany, Bath, Rockbridge, Highland, Augusta, Rockingham, Page, Shenandoah, Frederick, Clarke and Warren. Work scheduled is subject to change due to inclement weather and material supplies.

Motorists are advised to watch for slow-moving tractors during mowing operations. When traveling through a work zone, be alert to periodic changes in traffic patterns and lane closures.

(NEW) or (UPDATE) indicates a new entry or a revised entry since last week’s report.





(UPDATE) Mile marker 0 to 41, eastbound and westboundWatch for crews removing debris at various locations. Cleaning box culverts, drain pipes and ditches between mile markers 29 to 31. Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.



Route 60 (Main Street, Clifton Forge) – Repairs to bridge adjacent to the Masonic Theatre through April 29, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Existing traffic pattern will be maintained. No on-street parking during repairs.

(NEW) Route 159 (Dunlap Creek Road) –Traffic lanes restricted to 8 feet 6 inches beginning April 17 on temporary bridge during roadway alignment project for box culvert replacement over Crow Run.  Project will also use temporary traffic signals. Work zone is 0.45 mile west of Route 717 to 0.55 mile west of Route 17.  Commercial vehicles can use Route 18 as an alternate route. Estimated September 2016.



(NEW) Route 601 (Tuckahoe Road) – Road closed April 19 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. from Route 311 to West Virginia state line for pipe replacement.

Various roads – Brush cutting, pothole repairs and ditching.  Monday – Friday, 7:30 to 3 p.m.   



BATH COUNTY                                                                                                                                    


No lane closures reported.



Various roads – Patching and ditching.  Monday – Friday, 7:30 to 3 p.m.   



ROCKBRIDGE COUNTY                                                                                                                   


 Mile marker 41 to 57, eastbound and westbound – Be alert for crews removing debris, cleaning paved ditches and drop inlets.  Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Mile marker 53 to 55, eastbound and westbound – Single lane of traffic through Maury River bridges work zone.  Be alert for westbound travel lane shifts.  Speed limit is 55 miles per hour. Estimated project completion December 2016.

(NEW) Mile marker 55, westbound – Shoulder closures for sign installation. Week of April 18 to 22.

Exit 56, eastboundDaily left lane closure to I-81 (mile marker 195) northbound for bridge work. Monday through Friday, 6:30 a.m. to 8 p.m.



(UPDATE) Mile marker 173 to 205, northbound and southbound – Be alert for crews removing debris and cleaning paved ditches at various locations, Monday to Friday. Mile marker 177 to 179, cleaning box culverts and drain pipes on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Mile Marker 188, tree removal on Monday and Tuesday. Work hours 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

(NEW) Mile markers 175 to 192 northbound and southbound – Shoulder closures for sign installation.  Week of April 18 to 22.



(UPDATE) Route 60 (West 29th Street, Buena Vista) – Temporary shoulder closures as needed for sidewalk replacement, paving and guardrail from Alleghany Avenue to Beech Avenue.  April 18, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

(NEW) Route 60 (Kerrs Creek area) – Flagger controlled brief lane closures as needed for sign installation. Week of April 18 to 22.

Various roads – Ditching, brush cutting, pipe replacement, shoulder maintenance, pavement patching and pothole repairs.  Monday – Friday, 7:30 to 3 p.m.   



Route 641 (Jacktown Road) – Road closed for bridge replacement over Whistle Creek at the Route 60 (West Midland Trail) and Route 673 (Wee Darnock Road) intersection.  Posted detour is Route 672 (Turnpike Road). Estimated completion April 29.

(UPDATE) Route 708 (Gilmore’s Mill Road) – Road closed for bridge replacement at Cedar Creek just east of Route 608 (Shafer Lane).  Detour using Route 608 and Route 130 (Wert Faulkner Highway).  Estimated completion November 2016.

Various roads – Ditching, brush cutting, pipe replacement, shoulder maintenance, grading and pothole repairs. Monday – Friday, 7:30 to 3 p.m.   





Route 220 – Flagger controlled traffic for paving operations Monday – Friday, 7:30 to 3 p.m.   



Various roads – Debris cleanup, ditching and patching operations with flagger controlled traffic.  Monday – Friday, 7:30 to 3 p.m.   





Mile marker 87 to 100, eastbound and westbound – Be alert for crews removing debris, cleaning bridge slopes, paved ditches and inlets . Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Mile marker 94 to 107, eastbound and westbound – Shoulder closures Monday through Sunday, 6 a.m. to 7 p.m., for installation of traffic-management system.  Estimated completion April 30.



Mile marker 205 to 237, northbound and southbound – Be alert for crews removing debris, cleaning paved ditches, drop inlets, box culverts and drain pipes at various locations.   Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.



(NEW) Route 250 (Churchville Avenue)  – Flagger controlled lane closures as needed for soil test borings, including work at Franks Mill Road intersection and the Jakes’ Convenience Store area. April 19 to May 4 from9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

(NEW) Route 250 – Overhead signal work at intersections with Route 358, routes 792 and I-81 southbound off-ramp.  Lane closures as needed.  Daytime and nighttime work. April 18 to 21.

Route 250 (Jefferson Highway) – Eastbound lane closure/lane shifts from Staunton city limits to Route 1427 (Rowe Road) for utility work.  Estimated completion May 31.

(NEW) Route 285/625 intersection – Watch for crews performing daytime overhead signal work.  Lane closures as needed. April 19.

Route 250 (Three Notched Mountain Highway) – Shoulder closures Monday through Sunday, 6 a.m. to 7 p.m., for installation of traffic-management system.  Estimated completion April 30.

Route 340 (Rosser Avenue, Waynesboro) – Shoulder closures Monday through Sunday, 6 a.m. to 7 p.m., for installation of traffic-management system.  Estimated completion April 30.

Route 340 (Main Street, Waynesboro) – Road closed between Constitution Park and East Avenue for replacement of South River bridge. Through traffic will use Broad Street (Route 250) as detour route. Local traffic has access to all businesses and residences throughout the project. Estimated completion December 2017.



Route 624 (South Delphine Avenue) – Shoulder closures Monday through Sunday, 6 a.m. to 7 p.m., for installation of traffic-management system.  Estimated completion April 30.

(NEW) Route 732 (Franks Mill Road)  – Flagger controlled single lane closures as needed for soil test borings , including work at the Jakes’ Convenience Store area and the Churchville Road intersection. April 19 through May 4, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day.  Estimated completion May 4.

Route 733 (Moffett Branch Road) – Closed for bridge replacement over Elk Run.  Work zone is between Route 835 (Dudley Farm Road) and Route 734 (Hupman Road). Through traffic will follow posted detour route.  Property owners will have access to homes and businesses.  Estimated completion May 2016.





Mile marker 245 to 237, southbound – Fiber optic installation through early May. Be alert for shoulder closures. Future phases continuing south through September 30, 2016.



Route 11 (Lee Highway) – Replacement of North River bridge. Watch for traffic shifts, right shoulder closures and flagger controlled intermittent lanes closures. Work zone from Route 694 to one mile south of Mount Crawford.  Variable message boards and pavement markings will direct motorists. Traffic-pattern change in place through September 2016.

(NEW) Route 33 (Elkton) – Watch for daytime lane closures at Route 644 intersection for overhead traffic signal maintenance April 19.

Route 253 (Port Republic Road) – Periodic flagging for tree removal and pipe installation as part of intersection improvements at Route 340 (East Side Highway).  Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.  Estimated project completion October 2016.

Route 340 (East Side Highway) – Periodic flagging for tree removal and pipe installation as part of intersection improvements at Route 253/659  (Port Republic Road). Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.  Estimated project completion October 2016.



(UPDATE) Route 628 (Beldor Road) – Stop-and-proceed work zone with a lane restriction of 10’3” during bridge deck replacement.  Work zone is 2.33 miles south of Route 33. April 18 to May 13.

Route 659 (Port Republic Road) – Periodic flagging for tree removal and pipe installation as part of intersection improvements at Route 340.  Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.  Estimated project completion October 2016.

Route 704 (Cecil Wampler Road) – Flagger controlled, intermittent shoulder and lane closures for installation of water lines. Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5p.m. Work zone between I-81 and Route 679 (Pleasant Valley Road).  Estimated completion April 30.





(NEW) Route 211, westboundLane closure for bridge inspection over South Fork Shenandoah River.  April 18-19, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

(NEW) Route 340 – Lane closures and flaggers for bridge inspection over Cub Run.  April 19, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.



No lane closures reported.





Mile marker 278, northbound and southbound – Right and left shoulder closures for bridge painting. 7 days a week, 12 a.m. to 12 p.m. Estimated completion April 22.



No lane closures reported.



Route 614 (South Middle Road) – Flagger controlled traffic for painting of I-81 overpass bridge. 7 days a week, 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.  Estimated completion April 22.

Route 725 (Morning Star Road, Mount Jackson area) –  Road closed from 0.46 miles south of Route 262 (Orkney Grade) to 2.67 miles north of Route 726 (Hepner Road) for bridge replacement.  Follow posted detours.  Estimated completion May13.

(NEW) Queen Street (Route 1201, Town of Strasburg) – Road closed beginning April 18 to through traffic between South Massanutten Street and Holiday Street for a bridge replacement over Town Run.  Posted detour in place.  Estimated completion November 2016.

(NEW) Various roads – Patching and pipe cleaning, Monday to Friday. Flagger traffic control as needed.

Various roads – Utility tree trimming.  Flagger control during daylight hours.  Monday to Friday.






No lane closures reported.



Mile marker 309 to 311, northbound and southbound – Right and left shoulders closed 24/7.  Speed limit of 60 miles per hour throughout the work zone until completion of the exit 310 construction project. Limited space for traffic to merge onto southbound I-81 due to shortened on-ramp.  Motorists should also be alert for trucks entering and exiting work zone.  Estimated project completion May 2018.

(NEW) Mile marker 314 – Single lane and shoulder closures for bridge inspection over Abrams Creek. April 22, 8 p.m. to 5 a.m.



(NEW) Route 37 (JK Robinson Highway) Right lane closures with flaggers for bridge inspection over W&W rail line and Redbud Run.  April 18, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Route 37, southboundOff-ramp at Winchester Medical Center closed for interchange reconstruction.  Southbound Route 37 drivers can use Route 50 to access the medical center.  Estimated completion April 29.

Route 37 at I-81 Exit 310 (Kernstown Interchange), northbound and southbound Be alert for construction activity at exit 310 interchange and intersections of Tasker Road (Route 642) and Hillandale Drive (Route 847). Part of interchange reconstruction scheduled for completion in May 2018.

(NEW) Various roads – Watch for daytime traffic signal maintenance work April 18, 19, 20 & 22 at various hours and locations.



(NEW) Route 622 (Cedar Creek Grade)Flagger traffic control for bridge inspection of Route 37 overpass.  April 19, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

(NEW) Route 628 (Middle Road)Flagger traffic control for bridge inspection of Route 37 overpass.  April 20, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Route 642 (Tasker Road, Kernstown Interchange)  – Flagger controlled single lane traffic Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. daily, in the area of County Sanitation Authority facility for construction of tie-in of new road to existing road.  Northbound 24/7 right shoulder closures from existing intersection with Route 37 to 0.44 miles south of intersection as part of I-81 exit 310 interchange project.  Estimated project completion May 2018.

Route 847 (Hillandale Lane, Kernstown Interchange) – Northbound 24/7 right shoulder closures from existing intersection with Route 37 to 0.31 miles north of intersection as part of I-81 exit 310 Interchange Project. Work performed Monday through Friday 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Estimated project completion May 2018.

(NEW) Various roads – Watch for daytime traffic signal maintenance work April 18, 19, 20 & 22 at various hours and locations.

(NEW) Various roads – Pothole patching and grading, Monday to Friday. Flagger traffic control as needed.

Various roads – Utility tree trimming. Flagger control during daylight hours.  Monday to Friday.





(UPDATE) Route 7, eastbound – Lane and shoulder closures as needed for the installation of communication utilities from Shenandoah River to Loudoun County line.  Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Estimated completion is April 29.

(NEW) Various roads – Shoulder repairs, Monday to Friday. Flagger traffic control as needed.



(NEW) Various roads – Pothole patching and grading, Monday to Friday. Flagger traffic control as needed.





Mile marker 6 to 14, eastbound and westbound – Alternating right and left shoulder closures for bridge painting.  7 a.m. to 7 p.m.  Estimated completion April 25.


No lane closures reported.



Route 55 (Strasburg Road) – Intersection modification at Route 340/522 (Shenandoah Avenue/Winchester Road). Lane closures as needed Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily and 9 p.m. to 7 a.m. nightly. Temporary traffic signal at 55/340/522 intersection, and lane shift from 340/522 to Forest Hill Drive. Changes in effect through summer 2016 for construction of new travel lanes. Estimated project completion December 2017.

Route 340/522 (Shenandoah Avenue/Winchester Road) – South Fork bridge replacement and intersection modification at Route 55 (Strasburg Road).  Lane closures as needed Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily and 9 p.m. to 7 a.m. nightly.  Lane shift at 17th street and temporary traffic signal at 340/522/55 intersection, placing all traffic on the newly constructed bridge. 18th street is open to traffic, with left turn restrictions until summer 2017.  Estimated project completion December 2017.

(NEW) Various roads – Watch for daytime traffic signal maintenance work April 18 & 22 at various hours and locations.



(UPDATE) Route 624 (Morgan Ford Road) – Closed beginning April 18 for bridge replacement over the Shenandoah River. Work zone from Route 643 (Howellsville Road) to Route 661 (Fairground Road).  Detours:  Drivers south of the bridge will turn right on Route 643 (Howellsville Road), which changes to Route 603 and then to Route 638 in Clarke County. Drivers will then turn left on Route 17/50 (John Mosby Highway) and left on Route 624 (Red Gate Road/Milldale Road) to reach the end of the detour. Drivers north of the bridge will follow Route 624 (Milldale Road/Red Gate Road) north and turn right on Route 17/50 (John Mosby Highway) in Clarke County. Drivers will then turn right on Route 638 (Howellsville Road), which changes to Route 603 and then Route 643, to reach the end of the detour. Estimated project completion June 2018.

(NEW) Various roads – Watch for daytime traffic signal maintenance work April 18 & 22 at various hours and locations.

Various roads – Utility tree trimming.  Flagger control during daylight hours.  Monday to Friday.


Vegetation management may take place district wide on various routes. Motorists are reminded to use extreme caution when traveling through work zones.

Traffic alerts and traveler information can be obtained by dialing 511 and at 511Virginia.org. For other assistance call the VDOT Customer Service Center 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Dial 1-800-FOR-ROAD(1-800-367-7623) from anywhere in the state to report road hazards, ask transportation questions, or get information related to Virginia’s roads.

The Staunton District Twitter feed is at @VaDOTStaunton. VDOT can be followed on Facebook, Flickr, Twitter and YouTube. RSS feeds are also available for statewide information. The VDOT Web page is located atwww.VirginiaDOT.org.



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