Eighth grade French students at St. Anne’s-Belfield School have recently released the eighth app in the 2Lingua Apps family, French Sentence Chef. Designed for both iPhones and iPads, the app allows user to discover a fun new way of learning French through creating sentences with a focus on learning partitive articles.
“The app is a slot machine format where you can make sentences about food. The focus of the app is to learn the partitive, a hard concept for students to grasp,” says Karine Boulle, Grades 5 – 8 French teacher. “It acts as a teacher by underlining the mistakes and giving hints on how to correct them. When grammatically correct, the sentence will be spoken out loud.”
Other language concepts covered include subject verb agreement, ER, IR, and RE verbs, positive and negative sentences, food vocabulary and more. French teachers from around the nation have already complimented the students on their approach to teaching other children.
“Wow, successfully bringing programming and app design into the world
language classroom – that’s incredible,” commented one teacher from Florida. “Can’t wait to check it out.”
French Sentence Chef is available to download free of charge from iTunes.