Shenandoah National Park managers will temporarily close the area surrounding Corbin Cabin to all hiking and backcountry use during two phases of helicopter operations associated with the restoration of the historic cabin. Since the cabin is located in a remote area, a helicopter will be used to deliver and retrieve materials between the cabin and Stony Man Overlook (mile 38.6 Skyline Drive).
Phase 1 of the temporary closure will be in effect from 6:00 a.m. May 25 to 8:00 p.m.May 26. If the project is delayed due to inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstances, another temporary closure will be put into effect from 6:00 a.m. May 30 to 8:00 p.m. June 2. The closure area extends southeast from Skyline Drive to the south slopes of Thoroughfare Mountain (see map, red rectangle). The following trails will be closed: Corbin Cabin Cutoff Trail, Indian Run Trail, and Nicholson Hollow Trail (from Skyline Drive to the intersection with Hannah Run Trail). Additionally, vehicle traffic on Skyline Drive (between mile 38 and 39) and foot traffic on the Appalachian Trail (in the Stony Man Overlook area) will be stopped intermittently (for 10-15 minute intervals) while the helicopter passes over these areas to load and unload materials.
Similar closures will be put into effect during Phase 2 of the project in late June. The dates of the Phase 2 closure are to be determined.
Corbin Cabin is a historic log house that was built by George T. Corbin in 1910. It was partially rebuilt by the Potomac Appalachian Trail Club (PATC) in the 1950’s and listed on the National Register of Historic Places. It is significant as an intact example of an historic mountain cabin that was built and used by residents of the various “hollow” communities which existed prior to the establishment of Shenandoah National Park. The major restoration of the cabin involves replacing the entire metal roof, replacing log timbers and other necessary repairs. All repairs are critical to the preservation and structural integrity of this historic cabin. It is used today as a rental cabin by the Potomac Appalachian Trail Club (PATC). Please note that the cabin is closed for rental from May 22 to June 30 while it is being restored. This project will ensure the ongoing safety and positive visitor experience for the thousands of visitors who access and utilize this historic structure each year.
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