Drivers using Route 33 (Rawley Pike) in western Rockingham County can expect lane closures for about two weeks beginning Friday, March 29. Flaggers will control traffic on weekdays from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. between Route 732 (Coopers Mountain Road) and Route 613 (Whitmore Shop Road).
This work zone is for replacement of a water line beneath Route 33. The work is scheduled for completion on Friday, April 12. All work is weather permitting.
Virginia traffic alerts and traveler information can be obtained by dialing 511. Traffic alerts and traveler information also are available at
The VDOT Customer Service Center can assist with reporting road hazards, asking transportation questions, or getting information related to Virginia’s roads. Call 800-FOR- ROAD (800-367-7623) or use its mobile friendly website at Agents are available 24 hours-a-day, seven days a week.
The Staunton District Twitter feed is at @VaDOTStaunton. VDOT can be followed on Facebook, Flickr, Twitter and YouTube. RSS feeds are also available for statewide information. The VDOT Web page is located at
The VDOT Staunton District serves Frederick, Shenandoah, Clarke, Warren, Page, Rockingham, Augusta, Highland, Rockbridge, Alleghany and Bath counties.