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Robert Hurt votes for House transparency legislation


Robert_HurtCongressman Robert Hurt (R-Virginia) released the following statement after voting in favor of H.R. 185, the Regulatory Accountability Act. The bill would amend the Administrative Procedure Act to include strong cost-benefit, transparency, and accountability requirements, mandate that agencies assess the costs and benefits of regulatory alternatives, increase the transparency of the rulemaking process, and, unless interests of public health and safety require otherwise, require that agencies adopt the least-costly alternative that achieves the regulatory objectives Congress has established.

“At a time when small businesses and family farms continue to struggle under the weight of ever-increasing federal regulations, Washington needs to reform the regulatory process to make it more transparent and accountable to those it serves.  Federal regulations come at a cost to our economy and our families, imposing a burden that adds up to thousands of dollars per American household.  The Regulatory Accountability Act would help curb these excessive regulatory costs by holding the federal government accountable and would help restore economic stability by ensuring that federal bureaucrats are required to assess the real-life costs and consequences these regulations have on our job creators, and provide less burdensome alternatives.  These steps are responsible solutions to ensure that Washington understands the impact of significant regulations on communities throughout the country.

“I thank Congressman Goodlatte for sponsoring this commonsense measure, and I am pleased that it passed the House today with strong bipartisan support.  I urge our colleagues in the Senate to consider this bill and work with us to implement these necessary reforms.”



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