Home Poll: Trump won’t be the November disaster that you assume
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Poll: Trump won’t be the November disaster that you assume


2016 presidentProgressives assume that Donald Trump is going to lose, and lose badly, in November, no matter what. New numbers from Public Policy Polling suggest otherwise.

The latest national PPP poll has presumptive Democratic Party nominee Hillary Clinton leading Trump by four points, 42 percent to 38 percent, with Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson and 4 percent and Green Party candidate Jill Stein at 2 percent.

In a straight two-way race, Clinton leads Trump 47-41, demonstrating something interesting – that the third parties take more votes away from Clinton than they do Trump.

The bigger news is that Republican voters appear to be gathering behind Trump, despite the protestations of GOP elites. Trump leads Clinton 78-7 among Republican voters, with Clinton holding a 78-9 lead among Democratic voters.

Bernie Sanders would fare much better in a general election matchup with Trump, leading 47-37 with Johnson at 3 percent and Stein at 1 percent in the four-way race and 50-39 head-to-head.

Democrats lead 49-41 in the generic question of which party people would want to vote for in the presidential election, suggesting where the election is headed if Clinton is able to coalesce Sanders supporters around her candidacy.



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