The Northam for Governor campaign announced its complete schedule of debates and joint appearances. It previously announced its commitment to three debates and seven joint appearances.
These events are in addition to appearances around Virginia, such as the Virginia Transportation Construction Association Annual Meeting, which occurred over this past weekend.
The full schedule of debates and joint appearances is below. Additional information on each will be available soon. The debates will be available online, and on television across Virginia.
The general election is on November 7.
- July 22: Virginia Bar Association
- September 19: Northern Virginia Chamber of Commerce
- October: Southwest Virginia Debate hosted by UVA-Wise, the Batten School, and Southwest Virginia Technology Council
Joint Appearances
- Government & Nonprofits: A Dialogue about Roles, Responsibilities and Perspectives hosted by Northern Virginia Ideas Exchange (NoVIE)
- Virginia Association of Counties Meeting
- NAACP Joint Appearance
- Voices for Virginia’s Children
- Loudoun Times Tribune Town Hall Forum
- Multicultural Chamber Alliance
- Chesapeake Bay Foundation and James River Association Forum