Home Nine best personal finance influencers and publications for saving money
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Nine best personal finance influencers and publications for saving money


Smart ways to save money will always be a popular subject. In any economy, people are always looking for the best ways to save money so that they can spend on the things they love.

While a promo code search engine website can be a good way to make sure you’re always getting a bargain on a simple purchase, a money saver also knows when and where to spend money on the bigger things like retirement and investments.

Exercise your frugality muscle by following these personal finance publications and influencers below.



Whether you subscribe to their magazine or just browse the website, you’ll find helpful tips and tricks on saving money. Kiplinger offers investment advice as well as stock market informational articles.

For example, in slideshow form, you can flip through retirement mistakes to avoid that help you plan for successful golden years.

Taxes may be the most confusing thing we have to do every year. Kiplinger keeps you informed with advice pieces and up-to-date reform policy data.

Find out how long you should keep tax records, how to handle audits, information about IRA planning, and much more by staying in touch with Kiplinger.


Reader’s Digest

readers digestSince their first issue in 1922, Reader’s Digest has been a staple in American content publication. Through generation after generation, this magazine entertains and informs readers with recipes, humor, health advice, and so many other topics.

One of the best topics they cover is saving money. They devote a whole section to saving money and helping consumers make smart choices.

Advice on saving money for college, retiring, and more is available on Reader’s Digest. The publication even had an article recently on how to reuse your butter wrapper. Yes, there is a use for the paper that your butter is wrapped in after the butter is used up.

If there’s a way to save money, the Saving Money section of Reader’s Digest will tell you about it. You can find Reader’s Digest magazine coupons here.


US News > Money

Investing. Some people get it, and others find it entirely intimidating. While the Money section of US News writes all kinds of articles related to money, they have a section dedicated to learning how to be a better investor.

Money informs the readers of the do’s and don’ts of investing, especially related to current trends and happenings.

This publication is useful for the person who wants to read about topics like personal finance and security, but has a special interest in investments.

They split their Investing section into four separate sections: Stocks, ETFs, Mutual Funds, and Advisors as well as Trending Stories related to the subject.

Each individual section offers an immense amount of information, proving the Money is a great choice for a reader who wants a site chock-full of helpful information.



Clark Howard is a popular consumer expert influencer who offers a website full of articles about how to save money in small ways.

The Money Saving section of his website is the most helpful for the everyday consumer and the person who is looking to stretch their dollar. In this section, you’ll find advice on where to find restaurants where kids eat free, a list of things you should always buy used, and ways to start married life with extra cash. You’ll also find unique reads, like how to make $35 worth of food last an entire month.

This influencer is a great for the reader who wants to seriously budget in small ways that make a big impact.

Howard also offers a budget podcast, so you can listen to episodes related to saving money while you’re driving or on the treadmill.


Suze Orman

Arguably the most famous money saving influencer, Suze Orman has built her career on helping individuals make better spending decisions.

Not only does she offer articles to read, you can browse videos to watch that explain how to save your money. Her website features an excellent Resource Center that covers topics ranging from what to do to get back on your financial feet after a fire and what action to take if you’re a victim of identity theft.

Learn about complicated topics like compound interest and refinancing by following Suze Orman and handle your money the smart way.



In a world of unlimited (and often sketchy) places to put your money, NerdWallet helps guide you through the process of each choice you make.

Inc. wrote a feature about Nerd Wallet, explaining the benefits of following this new multi-million dollar company. Described as the “Yelp for finances,” CEO Tim Chen wanted to offer a website for people who can compare companies before making big financial life decisions.

Instead of a purely informational publication, Chen offers a destination designed to help people compare companies and choose what’s best for their financial future.


Budgets Are Sexy

If you’re looking for a money-saving site with a little more pizazz, visit Budgets Are Sexy and get to know J.Money. You’ll get first-hand advice from someone who has stumbled his way to absolute financial stability.

Those who click with his self-described “hyperactive” personality can have fun following advice from someone who details how to be financially successful. He aims not to be “boring” and makes finances interesting.

J.Money’s target audience is young people looking for direction. On his site, he features his “side hustle series” that offers information about making money outside of a normal 9-5 full time job. Make money doing things from picking up trash in parking lots to playing santa clause at your local mall.


The Simple Dollar

For those who are stuck in debt, The Simple Dollar is a wonderful source. Trent Hamm reveals how he crawled out of debt and created a life he loves.

The Simple Dollar is reliable, posting new blogs about saving money by writers every day. If you need something to be motivated by, The Simple Dollar is a great blog site with an inspirational back story.


The 99 Cent Chef

Who doesn’t love stretching a dollar when it comes to at-home meals? But did you know you could make full delicious and nutritious meals with ingredients only found at the dollar store?

A fun and informative site called The 99 Cent Chef teaches you how to make tasty meals by purchasing items found at your local ninety-nine cent shop.

Featuring photos, you’ll view meals ranging from simple to exotic made fresh.

The site is made with Blogspot and isn’t the most up-to-date in terms of design, but it makes up for it with easy navigation, fun gifs, and of course, awesome recipes.


Start Saving

Wherever your focus is, achieve your goals by drawing from good resources. Follow these helpful personal finance and money saving sites and create a stress-free financial future!



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