Home Melissa Rae Sanger: Technology must include safeguards to prevent animal cruelty
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Melissa Rae Sanger: Technology must include safeguards to prevent animal cruelty

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I am writing to express my deep concern and frustration regarding the recent discovery of an alleged dogfighting ring in New Jersey. While it is heartening to see several organizations investigating these appalling accusations, I can’t help but question why the communication platform reportedly used by the alleged ring leaders, Telegram, isn’t more closely monitored.

Dogs used for fighting endure a lifetime of suffering, starvation, torture, and provocation. The so-called “winners” fight again and again and are bred repeatedly to produce offspring destined for the same grim fate. If not shredded to death in the fighting ring, “losers” are often hanged, drowned, electrocuted, or left to die alone and frightened. Beyond the cruelty inflicted upon the dogs, dogfighting desensitizes impressionable onlookers—including children—and fast-tracks weapons and drugs into communities.

Technology must include safeguards to prevent it from being used to perpetuate cruelty to animals. Though there is currently no way to report a user or group in Telegram, you can report a channel by emailing [email protected] or using the “report” buttons inside the app. And if you know of or suspect dogfighting in your community, please contact authorities immediately.

Melissa Rae Sanger is a licensed veterinary technician with The PETA Foundation in Norfolk.