Highway work in the Lynchburg District requiring road/lane/structure closures is scheduled, weather permitting. Items in italics contain new/updated information. For up-to-date information, call 511 or visit www.511Virginia.org.
Amherst County:
Routes 29 and 151 – Crew will work on signs.
Route 610 (60-778) –Restricted to commercial truck traffic. Detour via 694, 665, 151, 29 and 60.
Route 617 (Fancy Hill Rd) with Route 778 – Intersection closed along with 778 project.
Route 692 – Rural Rustic project may result in delays.
Route 778 over Buffalo River –Closed, signed detour during bridge project. Est. comp. Nov ’19.
Appomattox County:
Route 460 at Route 609 & 630 – Construction of turn lanes with detour in place.
Buckingham County:
Andersonville AHQ – Crew will cut brush and mow..
Various – Crews will work surfaces and respond to customer concerns.
Campbell County:
Route 29 Bus., Altavista –Closed w/detour during bridge replacement. Est. comp. May 2021.
Route 29 Bus @ 1466 – Construction of right turn lane to start soon.
Route 29 & 679 – Crew will perform preventive maintenance on signal.
Route 622 – Road reconstruction and bridge over Flat Creek. Delays possible. Est. comp. Sept. 2021.
Charlotte County:
Route 360 – Crew will work in median areas.
Route 608 (605-632) – Road closed for mainline pipe replacement on Nov. 12,-15, weather permitting. Detour via 605 to 632 to 608.
Phenix AHQ – Crews will perform shoulder work.
Various – Crews will respond to customer concerns, mow, boom axe and work surfaces.
Cumberland County:
Various – Crews will work surfaces and shoulders, cut brush and respond to customer concerns.
Halifax County:
Route 58 – Crews will work pavement messaging.
Route 658 over Dan River – Bridge maintenance underway.
Route 683 (680-685) – Closed. Detour 683, VA 360 & 680. Est. comp. – winter 2020.
Route 771 – Rural Rustic project may result in delays.
Route 786 (649-757) – Closed 10/21-12/13 culvert replacement. Detour: 649, 603, 757 & 786.
Bethel AHQ – Crew will work ditches and cut back limbs.
Bethel and Cluster Springs AHQs – Crews will boom axe at various locations.
Cluster Springs AHQ – Crew will cut right of way on primary routes.
Volens AHQ – Crew will mow.
Various – Crews will respond to customer concerns.
Odd Fellows to US 29 Exp. –Temporary lane closures, changes in traffic pattern during project.
Nelson County:
Routes 29 and 151 – Crew will work on signs.
Route 29 Bus.,Lovingston – Milling and paving will occur. Expect delays.
Pittsylvania County:
Route 40 over Pigg River – Construction of temporary bridge adjacent to existing structure. 45 mph in work zone. Watch for construction vehicles entering/exiting work zone. Flagging operations occasionally in use. Estimated completion of temporary structure- summer 2020.
Route 730 over Sandy Creek – Bridge and approach work. Completion October 16, 2020.
Route 825 (717-640) – Closed 11/4-12/20 for culvert replacement. Detour via 717, 726, 29 B, 29, 640 and back to 825.
Route 841 (818-612) – Closed 10/28-12/6 for culvert replacement. Detour via 818, 840 and 612.
Brosville AHQ – Crew will work ditches and clean pipes.
Gretna AHQ – Crew will work surfaces.
Mt. Airy and Rondo AHQs – Crews will clean roadsides and work surfaces.
Various – Crews will mow, boom axe and respond to customer concerns.
Prince Edward County:
Route 622 (360-624) – Closed for bridge, approach work over NSRR. Detour via 622 to 360 to 360B/460E to 724 and 624 back to 622. Est. comp. September 2020.
Route 652 (690 – 460) – Closed to 12/13/19 for bridge replacement. Detour via 460 & 626.
Various – Crew will respond to customer concerns, mow, clean ditches/pipe, install pipe and work surfaces.
District-wide activities:
Bridge maintenance – Crews will perform maintenance on bridges/other structures.
Guardrail maintenance – Crews will perform maintenance on guardrails.
Line painting/pavement marking – Crews will address work orders/requests.
Surface work– Various surface schedules are underway across the district. Be aware of possible lane closures and delays. Check VA511 for updates.