I am a retired educator and school counselor and I support Senator Emmett Hanger for the Virginia Senate. Emmett has worked for increased pay, fairness in our employment contracts, and to make sure VRS remains a strong defined-benefit pension. He understands the crisis of the teacher shortage in the Commonwealth and has supported innovative programs to attract good teachers and benefits that will help localities retain their teaching staff. Emmett doesn’t just recognize unfairness when he sees it, he works to correct it. Several years ago, he successfully carried a bill to provide the same health insurance credit for retired teachers that is provided to retired state employees. Today, students desperately need leaders that are good role models. Emmett is a man of integrity and a true advocate for our schools and our teachers. His wife is a retired elementary school teacher and his five children all attended public school. Please vote June 11 for Emmett Hanger
Letter from Sandra G. Hite/Staunton