Home Kohl’s donates $45,828 for children’s health education
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Kohl’s donates $45,828 for children’s health education


healthcareKohl’s Department Store is donating $45,828 to support health education in Central Virginia through the Kohl’s Growing Up Healthy (KGUH) Program.

The KGUH curriculum was designed by experts at the UVA Children’s Fitness Clinic and is delivered through a partnership between the clinic, the Social Issues in Medicine course at the UVA Medical School and the Albemarle County Extended Day Care Program. In the program, UVA medical students teach elementary school students about healthy nutrition and lifestyle habits to maintain a strong body and mind. The program has been implemented in 16 Albemarle County schools, five Charlottesville City schools, one Rockingham County school and four area community centers, educating more than 1,000 children.

“This program is a valuable resource to help kids become better informed and excited about getting exercise and good nutrition,” said Anna King, Outreach Coordinator for UVA Children’s Fitness Clinic.

Since 2004, Kohl’s has donated more than $377,000 to UVA Children’s Hospital through Kohl’s Cares®.



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