If you use the internet, you are bound to be familiar with the favorite search engine Google, and I’m pretty sure you must have used it at least once in your life. Searching for a new recipe, the latest fashion trend, or even searching for some health symptom is something we tend to do daily using Google.
Have you ever wondered what brings websites like WebMD, Food Network, or Elle on top of your search result? More importantly, if you are someone who’s about to launch their website or some online business how eager are you to ensure your site makes it to the first page of Google. You are missing out on the benefits that Search Engine Optimization can have for you.
The basic tip to get the max Google searches is to be aware of SEO (Search engine optimisation) and the tools to get your desired results. SEO can be achieved by generating the most searched keywords in your content and by creating a website that is content rich and makes use of the keyword. SEO experts at Healthy Links has devised this list of few tools which may also help you:
If Google portrays the websites with the best SEO usage on top, but Ahref is one of the best picks for all those who want to use SEO wisely in their content and get #1 on Google. Ahref is used as a popular SEO analyser. It evaluates the strength of your content and helps you improve the strength to get a better position on search engine.
Moreover, SEO is not used by marketers just for evaluating their content through links, keywords, and overall content but it dramatically helps in linking you with the content of your website competitor. Hence, it gives you an upper hand and promotes your work.
Serpstat is also a very prominent name in the list, it is a paid software but if you want to analyse your SEO Keywords for their strength, optimise your marketing content and conclude whether your website will be able to make it on the top of the list then this surely a good pick. For the convenience of the users, the tool provides different packages for the people to choose from according to their liking.
The tool could be surely picked so you can easily use and choose the word, long phrases, and correct descriptions that meet the requirements of a successful SEO strategy.
Google Search Console
Google itself has provided various platforms and tools that also customise and improve the SEO content of your website. It helps in analysing your content and audit it and provides you with the feedback that significantly helps in making your site better and suitable for Google search. Google search console is a free tool, but it is considered best for beginners to get used to and understand how SEO works in the best way. Google Search Console will help you know where your website stands and what else you can do to make your content better.
Next name on the list is SEMrush another great tool used by marketers and content creators to make their website best related to search engine optimisation and get it on top of the Google search. SEMrush let you analyse your position or rank on Google search and will help you improve it as well. More than that it will also help you compare the position for your competitor so you can work on the areas where your content might be lack and will help you in creating strong content for your website. Thus, you can make your ranking better and get on top of searches.
SEObility by its name says that it is about the ability and power of search engine optimisation, this tool is free and paid as well, and the primary purpose of this tool is to be able to review your content to check if your content is up to the mark of search engine optimisation. SEObility let you check your keywords, phrases, your current rank, and the position of your competitor and the information which is provided make you understand the working of SEO.
Keywords play a huge role in identifying if your content is going to get the position on Google search which you aim for your website or not. Using keywords correctly play a significant role in your overall content as it’s the keyword which people use to search their queries. However, it is essential to understand that crowding too much keyword in your content might also be the doom for you. Keys4up is a great and free tool that makes the process of using the right keywords and appropriately in your text.
Lastly, KWFinder or keyword finder actually helps you in finding the most impactful keywords and long tail words and phrases that you can use in your content to make them reach on top of searches. It evaluates the keywords which you might have used in your content, in addition to that it provides with more new and powerful keywords for your content. Other than that, this tool also helps you manage and make your overall ranking better as well.
Another most hyped name is MOZ it is said the be the pick of many people as it works efficiently despite every change that occurs in google algorithm. Content writers and website managers have noted that MOZ understands them the difficulty that they might face while also provide a massive list of keywords that need to be used for the content.
Understanding SEO is quite essential if you wish to get your website on top of Google searches, being on top and having optimised SEO is vital for sites because it just promotes your business and more than that get you the traffic that helps significantly in capturing the business. SEO is also important because it also helps you in reaching new audiences and attracts a better market than your competitor. Hence, the primary goal of being on is achieved.