This afternoon in a series of party-line votes, the Privileges and Elections-Campaigns Subcommittee blocked several measures that would have increased accountability and transparency from our elected officials when it comes to campaign fundraising.
- HB6 – Simon: Disallowed the use of campaign funds for personal use.
- HB705 – McClellan: Forbade fundraising by the Governor during the time between regular and veto sessions of the General Assembly, and prohibits fundraising for the two weeks before the veto session by members of the General Assembly.
- HB914 – Toscano: Banned fundraising during Special Sessions of the General Assembly.
- HB931 – Simon: Prohibited contributions from any corporation not established or acting as a Political Action Committee.
“When you allow unlimited contributions, from unlimited sources, with no regulation on how that money is spent, it’s no wonder the public’s confidence in the integrity of their government is so low right now. Virginians deserve a government that they can trust to put their best interests first, not the interests of the highest bidder,” said Delegate Marcus Simon (53rd – Falls Church).
“The measures that House Democrats proposed today would have been good first steps to rein in our campaign finance problem in the Commonwealth, and return the voice of the voters over the voice of the donors.”