Have you seen goats at Hugh K. Cassell Elementary School? Goats are providing a green education to students at the elementary school. Boer Bok goats arrived at the end of September and students are learning that goats add an economic and environmental value to our community.
The economical value is cost savings by maintaining and fertilizing areas that are a maintenance challenge. Since commercial chemicals and mowing equipment are not being used, an environmental value is being provided as well.
“What better way for students to learn about agriculture. Students find enjoyment out of field trips on the school property, petting the goats and watching them maintain slopes and unmanageable areas,” said Cassell Principal Mindy Garber.
Clay and Linda Trainum own Autumn Olive Farms near Hugh K. Cassell Elementary School and have partnered with the school. The goats not only help the school, but the Trainums as well. Food is being provided.
“We normally charge a fee for our services, but in this situation we get the value of a good forage close to home while providing a service to Hugh Cassell School and nourishment to the soil. That will provide better hay for the Patterson’s Dairy farm next year,” said Linda Trainum.
Cassell Court Yard is scheduled to be replaced, but beforehand the goats will have a chance to play and entertain the students. The event is planned for this Friday, Oct. 28.