Home Glen Terrell: The IRS must go!
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Glen Terrell: The IRS must go!

tax-newTo aware citizens it’s crystal clear: THE IRS MUST GO! There is no place for an institution like the IRS in a society of free people such as the citizens of the USA.

The IRS can and does, WITHOUT CAUSE, bring financial ruin to any citizen or small business it chooses. The congress, which both created and empowered the IRS, already has sufficient evidence to abolish the IRS but has made no move to do so. We all must contact our congressmen, both representative and senators, and insist the IRS be abolished. If he/she doesn’t make a move to abolish the IRS before the November elections, tell him/her you intend to vote for his/her opponent in November; then do it! It’s that simple.

The legislation replacing the income tax with a national sales tax, the FairTax, has already been thoroughly researched and written. It’s been stymied by the House Ways and Means committee for over ten years! All citizens should inform themselves about the FairTax (see fairtax.org). Then tell your congressmen, in the most forceful way possible, to adopt it.

Letter from Glen Terrell/Arlington, Texas



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