Home Gingrich, Perry fail to qualify for Virginia GOP primary
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Gingrich, Perry fail to qualify for Virginia GOP primary


It looks like the 2012 Virginia Republican presidential primary will be a two-horse race. The Republican Party of Virginia reported on its Twitter feed that Texas Gov. Rick Perry and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich did not qualify for ballot access to the March 6 primary.

That leaves former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and Texas Congressman Ron Paul alone to duke it out in Virginia.

Virginia has one of the more restrictive policies regarding ballot access in the country. Candidates for federal elections must file petitions with signatures from 10,000 registered voters overall and at least 400 registered voters in each of the state’s 11 congressional districts.

The failure to qualify for the ballot could be a significant setback for Gingrich, still nominally the GOP frontrunner nationally who also had a lead among Virginia Republican voters in a Quinnipiac poll released earlier this week.



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