Hillary for Virginia announced that Hillary Clinton has the support of 42 Democratic members of the Virginia General Assembly who believe she is the best candidate to bring about change that will break down barriers for families in their districts.
“Hillary has the best educational preparation, the most extensive public service record, and the most comprehensive plans for addressing the educational needs from early childhood to higher education,” said Senator Rosalyn Dance (D-16th District), the 16th member of the Legislative Black Caucus to endorse Clinton. “I am most impressed with her New College Compact Plan which is in alignment with those of President Obama and the legislation introduced by Congressman Bobby Scott. She has presented a realistic rationale of how her goals can be accomplished and the cost to implement them. I will be casting my vote for Hillary Clinton, and once she wins the Democratic Primary challenge I will be working hard to ensure she becomes the first woman to serve as the President of these United States.”
“It is my honor to endorse Hillary Clinton’s candidacy for president,” said Delegate John Bell (D-87th District), who will be campaigning for Clinton in Loudoun County today. “Hillary Clinton is the most experienced candidate and is the type of talented leader our country needs to tackle the challenges of today and tomorrow. Clinton has a long track record of successfully working with diverse stakeholders to develop practical solutions and she is the type of leader we need to unite our country in a time of great division.”
Hillary Clinton endorsements
- Senator Kenneth “Kenny” Alexander
- Senator George Barker
- Senator Rosalyn Dance
- Senator Adam Ebbin
- Senator John Edwards
- Senator Barbara Favola
- Senator Mamie Locke
- Senator Louise Lucas
- Senator David Marsden
- Senate Democratic Caucus Chair Aston Donald McEachin
- Senator Jeremy McPike
- Senator J. “Chap” Petersen
- Senator Richard Saslaw
- Senator Scott Surovell
- Senator Jennifer T. Wexton
- Delegate Lashrecse Aird
- Delegate Lamont Bagby
- Delegate John Bell
- Delegate Jennifer Boysko
- Delegate David Bulova
- Delegate Betsy Carr
- Delegate Eileen Filler-Corn
- Delegate Daun Hester
- Delegate Patrick Hope
- Delegate Mark Keam
- Delegate Matthew James
- Delegate Kaye Kory
- Delegate Joseph “Joe” Lindsey
- Delegate Alfonso Lopez
- Delegate T. “Monty” Mason
- Delegate Delores McQuinn
- Delegate Jennifer McClellan
- Delegate Kathleen Murphy
- Delegate Kenneth Plum
- Delegate Mark Sickles
- Delegate Lionell Spruill Sr.
- Delegate Richard Sullivan
- Delegate Scott Surovell
- Delegate Luke Torian
- Delegate David Toscano
- Delegate Roslyn “Roz” Tyler
- Delegate Jeion Ward