Based on a presentation in November by East Rock Senior Center Director Lisa Gooden about ways the East Rockingham High School SCA could partner with the Senior Center, a plan was set in motion by ERHS SCA Advisors Kim Dean and Natalie McCrady to have students collect personal care items for the Center’s most vulnerable clients – the homebound elderly.
In the photo taken by Joshua Gooden last Friday, ERHS SCA officers are shown holding some of the items collected: powder, Q-tips, cotton balls, and soap. Toothbrushes, toothpaste, hand wipes, tissues, shampoo, lotion, and even some cute small stuffed animals were packaged for delivery to our clients receiving home delivered meals. Also, Rebecca Holloway, the ERHS FFA advisor, donated a case of oranges and grapefruit for the project, which will be a nice treat for the recipients. SCA members also created colorful, handcrafted cards to go along with the items that will be delivered to folks.
After receiving a call from Dean over the weekend, she and Gooden met at the high school on Dec. 19 to gather and load the supplies (which took a couple of trips using a small hand cart and filled the back of Lisa’s vehicle). Dean followed Gooden to the Center and explained the project and how this was implemented and completed. In addition to SCA members, all ERHS students were encouraged to participate through their Talon (reflective of the school’s Eagle mascot) period where teachers supplied the collection boxes and in some cases, a list of appropriate (needed) items for this elderly population.
As Gooden and Dean were loading the items, Dean (a history and government teacher) said this project led her to remind her students that years ago, children were considered “fortunate” to receive one piece of fruit and maybe some candy for Christmas … no laptops, iPods. Dean shared that story with our Center members as they enjoyed lunch, and many of them said this was the case when they were children.
It is hoped that members of the SCA can go bowling with our Center members in the coming months. The positive impact that East Rockingham High School has had in the Elkton community is tremendous. And the willingness of teachers like Dean and McCrady to carry out meaningful service projects involving the students is truly appreciated.