Today the Washington Post revealed Ken Cuccinelli’s pattern of association with and support for Fathers’ Rights advocates, whose agenda includes opposing domestic violence protections, reducing child support payments and making it harder for married couples to get divorced.
“Ken Cuccinelli’s relationship with Fathers’ Rights advocates and his repeated support for their agenda raises serious questions about the priorities he would bring with him to the Governor’s mansion,” said Delegate Jennifer McClellan. “Virginia needs leaders who will fight to reduce domestic violence, protect women’s rights and keep families safe and healthy. We can’t afford a Governor who refuses to support the Violence Against Women Act, wants to punish those trying to escape bad marriages in custody disputes, and stands alone in opposing keeping child support payments even with inflation.”
As the Post reports, Cuccinelli has personal relationships with leaders in a movement that “contends that men are frequently victimized by false allegations of domestic abuse.”
As a legislator and Attorney General he has also acted in line with the group’s agenda on multiple issues. As the Post reports, In 2005 “Cuccinelli offered a bill that would have made it so parents initiating a no-fault divorce could have that action counted against them ‘when deciding custody and visitation.’”
The next year he was the lone vote in the Virginia Senate against legislation that would have increased child support payments by tying them to inflation. And as Attorney General Cuccinelli was one of just 3 state attorneys general in the country to refuse to sign a letter urging congress to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act, a vital piece of anti-domestic violence legislation that Fathers’ Rights groups oppose.
“Virginia women cannot trust Ken Cuccinelli,” said Virginia Senator Barbara Favola. “From injecting his extreme agenda into decisions that should be between a woman and her doctor, to standing on the sidelines in the fight against domestic violence and pushing other ‘Fathers’ Rights’ priorities, Cuccinelli always seems to come down on whichever side means less freedom, opportunity and security for Virginia women. He should explain these damaging new revelations right away.”