The Commonwealth Transportation Board approved nine contracts at its monthly meeting Wednesday totaling $61.1 million for a construction project in the Virginia Department of Transportation’s Northern Virginia District and paving projects in the Bristol, Culpeper, Hampton Roads and Lynchburg districts.
A $7.1 million contract was awarded to Ardent Company, LLC of McLean for multiple improvements in Rosslyn, located in VDOT’s Northern Virginia District. The project area is North Lynn Street (Route 29) from northbound Lee Highway (Route 29) to southbound Lee Highway (Route 29), and southbound Lee Highway (Route 29) from North Lynn Street (Route 29) to North Oak Street.
North Lynn Street improvements will include wider sidewalks in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), improved curb ramps, new traffic signals, a bike lane, decorative lighting and landscaping.
The project will also improve intersections at southbound Lee Highway (Route 29) and North Lynn Street (Route 29), Fort Myer Drive and North Oak Street, as well as North Lynn Street (Route 29) and southbound Lee Highway (Route 29), North Lynn Street (Route 29) and northbound Lee Highway (Route 29), and northbound Lee Highway (Route 29) and North Nash Street.
In addition, the multi-use Custis Trail will be widened and shifted away from the vehicle travel lanes.
The project is expected to be complete in spring 2020.
Eight contracts totaling $54 million were awarded for paving in Bristol, Culpeper, Hampton Roads and Lynchburg districts.
VDOT Commissioner Stephen C. Brich approves contracts up to $5 million in value. From the Jan. 24, 2018 bid letting, the commissioner approved 37 contracts worth approximately $89.4 million for construction and maintenance projects on Virginia’s interstates and primary and secondary roads.
Appointed by the governor, the 17-member CTB establishes the administrative policies for Virginia’s transportation system. The CTB allocates highway funding to specific projects, locates routes and provides funding for airports, seaports and public transportation. The board normally meets on the third Wednesday of the month when action meetings are scheduled.