The Commonwealth Transportation Board approved 12 contracts at its monthly meeting this week totaling $76.8 million for maintenance and construction projects in the Virginia Department of Transportation’s (VDOT) Richmond, Northern Virginia, Bristol, and Culpeper Districts.
Route 711 will be widened to relieve congestion in Powhatan and Chesterfield Counties
A contract totaling $11.7 million was awarded to E.J. Wade Construction LLC of Mechanicsville to widen and improve Route 711 at the Route 288 interchange in VDOT’s Richmond District.
Improvements will include taking Route 711 from two to four lanes for a 1.14-mile stretch at the Route 288 interchange on the Powhatan/Chesterfield county line, and replacing the bridge over Bernard’s Creek. Bike lanes and sidewalks will also be added.
The project is expected to be complete by June 2019.
Structurally deficient bridges on Interstate 395 will be repaired
A $5.5 million contract was awarded to Martins Construction Corp. of Falls Church to repair structurally deficient* bridges spanning Four Mile Run on I-395 in VDOT’s Northern Virginia District.
The project will include reconstructing deck joints, replacement of bearings, repainting the steel superstructure, and repair of concrete and foundation of the bridges, which were constructed in 1970.
The project is expected to be complete in November 2018.
* A bridge that has been deemed structurally deficient does not imply that it’s likely to collapse or is unsafe. But there are elements of the bridge that need to be monitored and/or repaired.
Pavement restoration will be completed on Interstate 85 in the Richmond District
Two contracts have been awarded for work on I-85 in Brunswick, Mecklenburg and Dinwiddie counties.
A contract in the amount of $7.9 million was awarded to Allen Myers VA, Inc. to restore pavement for a 24 mile stretch from the North Carolina state line to the Meherrin River Bridge.
A $7.3 million contract for pavement restoration was awarded to Adams Construction Company of Roanoke. The work will be done from about a mile north of Route 40 to just south of Route 1.
For both projects, restoration will include pavement repair, installing new drains and guardrail replacement.
Pavement maintenance is planned in the Northern Virginia, Bristol and Culpeper Districts
In the Northern Virginia District, two contracts totaling $14.1 million were awarded to Superior Paving Corporation of Gainesville, for paving in Fairfax County.
A $5.2 million contract was awarded to Virginia Paving Co., a division of The Lane Construction Corp., of Cheshire, Conn. for paving in Fairfax County.
A $6.2 million contract was awarded to Arthur Construction Co. Inc., of Dulles for paving in Fairfax County.
A $7.1 million contract was awarded to Virginia Paving Co., a division of The Lane Construction Corp., of Cheshire, Conn. for paving in Arlington County.
A $6.5 million contract was awarded to W-L Construction & Paving, Inc. of Chilhowie for paving in Buchanan County in VDOT’s Bristol District.
A contract in the amount of $5.3 million was awarded to Superior Paving Corporation of Gainesville for paving in Rappahannock County in VDOT’s Culpeper District.
In advance of each CTB meeting, VDOT Commissioner Charles Kilpatrick also approves contracts up to $5 million in value. From the February 22, 2017 bid letting, the commissioner approved 61 contracts worth an approximate total of $111 million for construction and maintenance projects on Virginia’s interstates and primary and secondary roads.
Appointed by the governor, the 17-member CTB establishes the administrative policies for Virginia’s transportation system. The CTB allocates highway funding to specific projects, locates routes and provides funding for airports, seaports and public transportation. The board normally meets on the third Wednesday of the month in months when action meetings are scheduled.
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