Leader Training for the Chronic Disease Self-Management Program is scheduled for May 9, 10, 16, and 17 from 9am – 4:30pm. The Leader Training will be held in the conference room at the VPAS Corporate office in Waynesboro and light snacks, lunch, and all necessary materials will be provided. At least 12 people must be registered in order to hold the training and additional participants are still needed.
This free four-day training provides participants with the skills and certification necessary to be leaders in the You Can! Live Well, Virginia! Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (CDSMP) which is evidence based program developed and licensed by Stanford University. CDSMP leaders co-lead workshops which are held for 2 hours one time each week for six weeks and are designed help adults with chronic illnesses such as asthma, arthritis, diabetes and heart disease learn ways to manage their condition and take charge of their life.
Anyone who would like to register or get more information should call Joyce Nussbaum at 540-820-8567 or email to [email protected].
More online at http://valleycdsme.com.