Home Blue Ridge Community College calendar items for November

Blue Ridge Community College calendar items for November


Blue Ridge Community CollegeBlue Ridge Community College calendar items for November. Events are open to the public and free unless otherwise indicated.

Deaf Panel Discussion 

Wednesday, Nov 13; 7-9 pm; P104
All are invited to a panel discussion featuring individuals from the deaf community in an effort to bring together deaf and hearing communities for greater understanding and language exchange. ASL interpreters are provided for access.
Contact: Rachel Bavister; [email protected]; 540-466-0722 (text only)

FAC Performance: Encore!

Friday & Saturday, Nov 15 & 16, 7 pm; Sunday, Nov 17, 3 pm; FAC V135
Concert featuring the talent of BRCC’s Theatre Workshop for Youth. Tickets $15; students free. Reserve tickets online: brcc.edu/fac/performances.
Contact: Sandi Belcher; [email protected]; 453-2216

Interactive Percussion Session

Monday, Nov 18; 2:15pm; V205
Join the Music Appreciation class for an interactive percussion session with JMU Music Therapy instructor Robby McCoubry.  Sponsored by BRCC Cultural Affairs.
Contact: Dr. Linell Gray Moss, [email protected]

Fall Break & Thanksgiving Holiday: Nov 25-29 

No classes. All offices closed. Classes resume/offices re-open Dec 2.



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