A rezoning request will be considered at two upcoming public hearings, one by the Augusta County Planning Commission on Tuesday, June 9, at 7 p.m., and the other by the Board of Supervisors on Wednesday, June 24, at 7 p.m.
Both public hearings will be held in the Board Meeting Room of the Augusta County Government Center.
The request is for a rezoning from Single Family Residential 10 with proffers to General Agriculture approximately 9.85 acres (TMP 91A (2) 3) owned by Trustee of Phyllis H. Kiser located at 405 Lake Road in Stuarts Draft in the South River District. The proposed general use of the property is agriculture.
The general use of the property stated in the Comprehensive Plan is Medium Density Residential, which may include detached residential units at a density of 3-4 dwelling units per acre.
Data and information regarding this request are available for review by contacting the Community Development Department at 540-245-5700 or [email protected].
The hearings will be conducted in-person using public safety measures including the wearing of masks, physical distancing, and limitations on the number of people gathered.
The meeting will also be livestreamed to accommodate citizens who wish to observe remotely. Citizens may provide comments or sign up to speak, either in-person or remotely, by using the online form or calling 540-245-5700.
Detailed instructions on how to speak in the meeting will be emailed to those who submit the online form.