Home Bipartisan legislation aims to boost domestic supply of HALEU for nuclear reactors

Bipartisan legislation aims to boost domestic supply of HALEU for nuclear reactors

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The solution to our energy needs doesn’t have to be all about what bubbles up from the ground. Nuclear energy can and must be part of the future, and new legislation introduced by Second District Congresswoman Elaine Luria would provide nuclear with a boost.

The Fueling Our Nuclear Future Act would accelerate the availability of commercially produced high-assay, low enriched uranium (HALEU) fuel and boost domestic energy production in the United States.
Co-led by Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL), the legislation directs the Secretary of Energy to prioritize and establish a program that ensures a domestic supply of HALEU for advanced nuclear reactors.

The U.S. currently lacks a domestic enrichment capability to produce HALEU, which the advanced nuclear reactors being developed will require.
“As an engineer who operated nuclear reactors in the Navy, I saw firsthand that nuclear power is safe and can play a key role in securing our energy independence and clean energy future,” Rep. Luria said. “I am proud to introduce the Fueling Our Nuclear Future Act. My legislation will boost America’s domestic energy production and ensure that the United States a global leader in nuclear energy technology.”
The Fueling Our Nuclear Future Act also directs the Secretary of Energy to provide for an array of HALEU enrichment levels, output levels to meet demand, and fuel forms suitable for multiple advanced reactors. The Secretary is further directed to consider options to establish a HALEU Bank to replenish Department of Energy stockpiles of uranium made available as part of this program.
“As the next generation of advanced nuclear reactors begin to be licensed for widespread commercial deployment, securing a domestic supply of high-assay, low-enriched uranium is of particular importance,” said Rep. Donalds.

“In order to promote America’s nuclear leadership role and to further our country’s ultimate intention of becoming energy independent, the federal government must step in to provide the necessary support and resources to establish the capability of producing HALEU in America—instead of solely relying on Russia for our domestic HALEU supply. I’m thankful to work across the aisle on a bipartisan basis to introduce the Fueling Our Nuclear Future Act which provides vital federal support to combat the ongoing HALEU dilemma.”



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