Home How CoolSculpting can help you lose weight fast

How CoolSculpting can help you lose weight fast

belly fat
(© Siam – stock.adobe.com)

Losing weight can be a challenging and frustrating process. If you’re tired of dieting and exercising without success, CoolSculpting may be the perfect solution for you.

Cryolipolysis or “fat-freezing” uses cool temperatures to break down fat cells, which then get eliminated from your body naturally. CoolSculpting, as most people refer to it, is a non-invasive, painless treatment. Studies show that it can help people lose up to 20% of their total body weight in just one year.

In this article, we will go over what CoolSculpting is, how it works, who should use it, and how much it costs so you can decide if CoolSculpting is the right treatment for you.

How much fat can you lose with CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is an effective body contouring treatment designed to remove fat. Also known as cryolipolysis, this method is believed to be the gold standard for non-invasive body sculpting.

How much fat can you lose with this treatment?

CoolSculpting is designed to remove the subcutaneous fat located just below your skin’s surface. This treatment can help people lose up to 20% of their total body weight in just one year!

How does it work?

The science is simple, the treatment works by freezing your fat cells. This creates a natural process in your body to remove these dead fat cells from the treated area, which results in you losing weight and inches from the contoured body areas.

Are you a good candidate for this body contouring treatment?

People who benefit most from CoolSculpting are typically within 20 to 40 pounds of their ideal body weight and have a waist that is no greater than 42 inches. CoolSculpting can also be used on areas where exercise and diet alone has failed, such as the love handles or muffin top area, or for male breast reduction.

Does it require anesthesia?

This procedure does not require any type of anesthetic. You can do it on your lunch break and return to work right away.

What can you expect during treatment?

The process begins with a light massage of the treatment area. Then, the practitioner places the cooling applicator on the areas where fat has been targeted, such as the stomach or thigh region, and cools these fatty tissues.

How many treatments are needed?

Two to four treatment sessions spaced about a month apart is optimal for achieving maximum results with CoolSculpting.

How soon do you see results?

You can normally see results from CoolSculpting within a few weeks. And the results last a long time.

Are there any side effects to expect?

There are no significant risks involved – only mild swelling and discomfort, which subsides a few hours after CoolSculpting. Also, some people may experience skin redness or bruising at the treatment site for up to two weeks.

How much fat can you lose with multiple sessions?

With multiple treatment sessions, you can expect to lose about 20 to 25% of your fat cells.

How long do the results last?

The results produced by the CoolSculpting procedure are permanent and can reduce about 20 to 25% of fat in a treated area. Multiple treatment sessions target different areas over 2-4 months.

Why is this treatment so popular?

The procedure is non-invasive and there is no downtime needed after treatment. You can book an appointment and carry on with your day afterwards. It’s similar to doing a Botox treatment – no major inconvenience. Hence, its popularity!

Who should not do CoolSculpting?

This treatment isn’t recommended for people who:

– are pregnant or breastfeeding

– have had recent heart surgery

– suffer from cold urticaria (an allergy to cooling)

– take medication that increases blood pressure.

How much does it cost per session?

CoolSculpting typically costs between $300 to $800 per session, with multiple sessions needed for best results.

Final thoughts

If you’re looking for a fast and effective way to get rid of fat, CoolSculpting is the best option. The non-invasive treatment targets pockets of “stubborn” fat, and no downtime or pain is involved.



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