Home Weird alcohol laws across the entire U.S.

Weird alcohol laws across the entire U.S.

bar beer
(© Syda Productions – stock.adobe.com)

Not all laws are as precise and concise as… well, as law itself looks. At the same time, if a law looks kind of funny, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t take it seriously. Still, you might not be ready for what’s about to come.

To get you started, only a DUI Waukegan lawyer will be able to help you if you bring more than 45 liters of alcohol into Illinois… and don’t own a license for it.

Here are some more weird alcohol laws that you might be subject to while traveling across the U.S.

Alabama and private clubs

This state, just like any other state, has a plethora of private clubs that you can enjoy. However, as opposed to state-owned clubs, there is one thing that you have to take into account.

In short, the most common alcoholic beverage – beer – cannot be consumed in these private clubs. Doing so will get you fined.

Alaska and drunkenness

If you want to get really drunk while in Alaska, you better do so in a motel room or at the private residence of some friends. Why?

Well, if you have a reputation as a messy drunk, then you shouldn’t be in a bar in Alaska if you plan to drink a lot. According to the law there, people must not be visibly drunk in such locations.

Ohio and fish

We don’t really know what happened in Ohio, but it has something to do with fish and alcohol. Weird enough, right?

As per Ohio law, one must not give alcohol to a sea creature – fish – up to the point of drunkenness/intoxication. In short – don’t get a fish drunk or you’ll end up in trouble.

Vermont likes dancing

Apparently, they like dancing so much in Vermont that they don’t want to ruin it with liquor. How do they keep this in check?

Well, simply put, it is 100% illegal to drink or carry alcohol while you are actively dancing. This means no clubbing with a can of beer by your side.

Washington State and bottle smashing

There’s really not much that we can say about this.

While visiting Washington State, keep in mind that smashing a beer cask or bottle is illegal. Not only that, it is actually considered a criminal act that might get put on your record.

The Nebraska soup

If you fancy a good beer while in Nebraska, then prepare your belly for a pot of soup as well.

Apparently, according to the current laws, bars in Nebraska cannot sell their customers beer if they’re not cooking a pot of soup at the same time.

Weird Iowa

First of all, Iowa doesn’t allow tabs in bars.

Then, owners and employees of pubs, bars, and so on, cannot drink a beverage on their premises after the closing hours. If they do so, they commit a crime.

The bottom line

This was literally just the tip of the iceberg. Each and every state comes with its own weird and wacky laws. Nonetheless, these are laws that you should take a look at before you decide to consume alcohol in a foreign place.

After all, who would want to get fined for getting a fish drunk?

Story by Gary Johnson



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