By Rebecca J. Barnabi
For Augusta Free Press
The Virginia Commonwealth Transportation Board’s spring meetings began Monday in Fredericksburg, and Monday, May 2 is the Staunton District’s turn to provide feedback on projects and initiatives in the Draft Fiscal Year 2023-2028 Six-Year Improvement Program.
According to Ken Slack, the Virginia Department of Transportation’s Staunton District Communications Specialist, the CTB is scheduled to vote on the program in June. Most of the projects and initiatives have already been introduced in localities, including phase four of Waynesboro’s South River Greenway and phase two of pedestrian improvements planned for Verona.
“There generally aren’t a whole lot of surprises when we get to this point,” he said of the process. Information about the program is available here.
Visual displays will be available at Monday’s meeting, which begins at 4 p.m. in the Plecker Center of Blue Ridge Community College, of some of the projects and initiatives. Information is also available online, and public comment is welcome online. Slack said that any input on further enhancements with any projects or initiatives are welcome.
“It always is helpful to hear from the public,” he said, including ideas and concerns.
Other CTB spring meetings in the Valley will be held May 3 in Lynchburg, and May 12 in Roanoke. The CTB’s fall meetings typically include introductions of new projects.
Slack added that VDOT recently held a meeting in Strasburg regarding widening Interstate 81 near Strasburg, and submission of public comment for that project ends at the end of the day on Saturday, April 30. Information about the project is available here and public comment welcome here.
On May 24, VDOT’s Staunton District will hold a public hearing from 4 to 7 p.m. regarding widening of I-81 near the Queen City. Information about the project is here and public comment is welcome here.