Edited by Chris Graham
[email protected]
Waynesboro City Council will meet tonight at 7 p.m. at the Charles T. Yancey Municipal Building, 503 W. Main St., Waynesboro, for a regularly-scheduled business meeting.
The agenda for the meeting includes:
– Consent agenda
a) Consider approving the minutes from the February 22, 2010 and the March 8, 2010 Regular Business Meetings, and dispense with the reading of the minutes.
b) Second consideration/adoption of an ordinance appropriating $10,848 from the Courthouse Maintenance Reserve for the purpose of replacing a transfer switch necessary for emergency power service for the General District and Juvenile and Domestic Relations Courts.
c) Second consideration/adoption of an ordinance appropriating $6,000 from Sewer Fund Retained Earnings to the Sewer Fund for expenditures related to the replacement of an underground inspection camera cable for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2010.
d) Second consideration/adoption of an ordinance appropriating $4,452 from General Fund Unreserved Fund Balance to the General Fund for expenses related to an emergency river cleanup that was necessary as a result of an oil spill into the South River for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2010.
e) Second consideration/adoption of an ordinance appropriating a Perkins Grant in the amount of $1,223 to the District Wide Central Office Fund to provide for the upgrade of computer hardware in CTE classrooms at Kate Collins Middle School for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2010.
f) Second consideration/adoption of an ordinance appropriating a Title II Part D Grant in the amount of $566 to the District Wide Central Office Fund for the purchase of software for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2010.
g) Second consideration/adoption of an ordinance appropriating a $159 reimbursement from the Commonwealth of Virginia Supreme court to the General Fund for expenditures related to prisoner extradition for the Fiscal year ending June 30, 2010.
h) Second consideration/adoption of an ordinance appropriating a Title II Part D ARRA Stimulus Grant in the amount of $139 to the District Wide Central Office Fund for the purchase of software for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2010.
– Consider adopting a Proclamation naming April as Waynesboro Women’s Club Month in the City of Waynesboro, Virginia and present the Proclamation to Ms. Peggy Reed, Chairman.
– Consider adopting a Proclamation naming April as Child Abuse Prevention Month in the City of Waynesboro, Virginia, and present the Proclamation to Ms. Dot Marsh.
– Receive the Adopted FY11 School Budget from Dr. Robin Crowder, Superintendent of Schools.
– Hold a public hearing to receive public comments regarding a proposed Police Alarm ordinance and a fine schedule addressing excessive false alarms responded to by the Police Department.
– Receive a report and presentation from Ms. Bonnie Riedesel, Executive Director, Central Shenandoah Planning District Commission.
– Receive a report from representatives of the Headwaters Soil and Water Conservation District concerning Fiscal Year 2010 accomplishments and Fiscal Year 2011 work plans.
– Appoint viewers to assess the impact of a request by Michael G. Hamp, City Manager, to close and vacate a portion of a 10-foot undeveloped alley located directly behind and abutting all those lots in Block 47, Waynesboro Land Co. plat, excluding Lots 21, 22, and Lot 1 already closed by recent action of City Council.
– Consider adopting a resolution of support for Nelson County’s application for VDOT Transportation Enhancement Grant Funds for the Blue Ridge Tunnel Project.
– Consider adopting a resolution of support for a system-wide Safe Routes to Schools Program.
– Receive a report from Mr. Greg Thomasson, Director of Sold Waste Management, concerning a Landfill Gas Collection and Control System Project at the Augusta Regional Landfill, and consider adopting a resolution supporting the project.
– Consider introducing the following ordinances:
a) Appropriating a Title I Grant in the amount of $48,000 to the District Wide Central Office Fund for the purchase of computers at William Perry Elementary School for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2010.
b) Appropriating a Project Graduation Academic Year Academy Grant in the amount of $7,855 to the Secondary Central Office Fund for testing remediation at Waynesboro High School for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2010.
c) Appropriating additional reimbursements from the State Compensation Board in the amount of $15,078 to the General Fund for expenditures related to the purchase and maintenance of records management system equipment at the Circuit Court for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2010.
d) Appropriating $6,885 from Sewer Fund Retained Earnings to the Sewer Fund for expenditures related to repair work performed on an underground inspection camera rover for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2010.
e) Appropriating a donation from the Rotary Club of Waynesboro East Augusta to the Waynesboro Library in the amount of $225 to the General Fund for the purchase of books for the Waynesboro Library for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2010.
– Citizen Comment Period.