Waynesboro City Council has been on a field trip to visit The Foundry, and they brought along one of the city’s newest tools: a decibel meter.
The Foundry’s opening, an offshoot of Basic City Brewery on the East End of Waynesboro, presented new challenges to the city related to noise that the brewery’s President Bart Lanman said he hopes Waynesboro City Council will revisit.
His business was given warnings by the city police department after its opening related to noise complaints from neighbors after 10 p.m.
Lanman immediately addressed the issue with the city hoping to find middle ground on the issue.
“We walked around with a decibel meter with the sound system turned up to 90-95 decibels,” Lanman said about the recent visit by the city. “This is the level we maintain during live music shows.”
Lanman said they measured levels around the property with the garage door open and closed. Of course, the test was done with no people, and people generally absorb some sound, he said.
He said the city took note of the decibel levels to help guide them about a threshold for any potential amendment to the noise ordinance specific to businesses. Many neighboring localities with music venues include decibel levels for violations.
“We also considered the subject experience of sound around the property,” Lanman said. “I feel like they are sincerely and genuinely interested in considering acceptable, quantifiable levels,” Lanman said of Waynesboro City Council.
In response to complaints, Lanman adjusted starting times for shows so they had an earlier end time until the issue is resolved to make regulations more specific.
“Waynesboro and the community in general have been very supportive over the last seven years,” Lanman previously told AFP. “We continue to grow together. Our growth has introduced new opportunities for the city to consider and for the community to enjoy.”
The noise ordinance was last amended in Waynesboro in July 2022. The current code reads in part “that any violation will result in a Class 4 misdemeanor on the first conviction and a fine not to exceed $250. A second or subsequent conviction within a period of 12 months would result in a Class 3 misdemeanor and a fine not to exceed $500 for each offense. Each calendar day a violation continues may also result in a separate offense.”
Waynesboro City Manager Mike Hamp said the noise issue will likely be on Waynesboro City Council’s agenda in October or November if amendments to the existing ordinance are recommended.
Silent Disco planned for Nov. 10
The Foundry at Basic City Beer Company is hosting a Silent Disco on Nov. 10 – an event the venue said patrons may appreciate “quietly.”
Lanman said The Foundry will quiet its $250,000 investment, its sound stage, for the event.
“Our investment in ‘loud’ speakers and a venue for live music is our investment in the local community & local culture. We always hoped that our excitement reaches beyond our walls so that people far and wide can hear what Waynesboro has to offer,” said Lanman in a social media post. “Music is a universal language. It is meant to bring people together. We hope one day you can enjoyably listen with us. Or at least do what we are doing for our silent disco…choose your own music with some headphones.
“So, on November 10, we will apologetically whisper sweet nothings … for you.”
The Silent Disco will run from 8-11 p.m. Tickets are $10 for adults; and $5 for children.
For more information, visit www.thefoundrysound.com
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