A passion for the performing arts can begin at an early age. The Arts Education performances give our youngest audience members the opportunity to experience live performing arts in our historic Wayne Theatre in Downtown Waynesboro, Va.
The mission of this program is to present the best educational theater that engages children in meaningful ways, complements school curricula, and cultivates appreciation of the performing arts. Study guides are available for most performances.
The support and generosity of the Virginia Commission for the Arts and our Arts Education Sponsors allows The Wayne to make these programs accessible to ALL children in the Shenandoah Valley, Central Virginia and beyond by offering performances at a reduced cost.
Whether for a moment or for a lifetime, the arts touch people’s lives.
Wayne Theatre spring 2016 schedule
April 11: I Have a Dream
April 14: The Frog Prince
April 22: Wonderful World of Simple Machines
April 28: Ooey Gooey Poetry by Barefoot Puppets
May 4: 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
May 12: The Little Red Hen
May 20: Juggler Mark Nizer
For more information, please call 540-943-9999 or visit http://waynetheatre.org/arts-education-program/