The United Way of Greater Augusta will be holding its annual Stuff the Bus at the Staunton and Waynesboro Wal-Marts during tax free weekend – Aug. 3-5.
The United Way has partnered with Wal-Mart and The Salvation Army to present Stuff the Bus and Tools for Schools. Throughout the weekend, volunteers will be collecting donated school supplies and backpacks for students in Waynesboro, Staunton and Augusta County schools.
The Salvation Armies of Staunton and Waynesboro will be accepting applications for those needing school supplies until Aug. 13 with planned distribution of Backpacks with supplies Aug. 15-17 at The Salvation Army. Any leftover supplies will be delivered to the school guidance office for students as needed.
You will find a list of basic school supplies needed by our area children. Donations can be dropped off all weekend long at the Staunton or Waynesboro Wal-Marts. In addition to donations, United Way of Greater Augusta is in need of volunteers to help us collect, pack and deliver school supplies.
For more information or to volunteer, please contact the United Way of Greater Augusta at 540-885-1229 or email [email protected].