Part of Route 631 (Union School Road) in Rockbridge County will close to through traffic for three months beginning Monday, August 7, 2023.
The Virginia Department of Transportation will replace the bridge over a Kerrs Creek tributary just east of the intersection with Routes 631 and 638 (Muddy Lane).
Bridge replacement is expected to be completed on or about Nov. 9, 2023. All work is weather permitting.
Local traffic on Union School Road will have access to properties on either side of the work zone. Through traffic will detour as follows:
- From the east side of the bridge, drivers will go east on Route 631 (Union School Road), north on Route 631 (Stillhouse Road), west on Route 850 (West Midland Trail), and then south on Route 638 (Muddy Lane) to the end of the detour.
- Drivers approaching from the west side of the bridge will go north on Route 638 (Muddy Lane, east on Route 850 (West Midland Trail), south on Route 631 (Stillhouse Road), and then west on Route 631 (Union School Road) to the end of the detour.