Votes were secured for a full-convention floor vote on the abolition of superdelegates in the Democratic Party presidential nomination process.
The final tally of supporters was 58, far over the 25% threshold needed for a minority report and a vote on the floor of the convention this week.
The vote came after heavy pressure from Democratic-leaning organizations — who gathered more than 750,000 signatures calling for change, flew a plane over Philadelphia Friday calling for an end to superdelegates, and sent thousands and thousands of tweets to committee members. There was high-interest in the vote — which attracted dozens of anti-superdelegate protesters, and frequent interruptions throughout the afternoon at the rules committee meeting.
“This is a huge victory for Democracy,” said Aaron Regunberg, Rhode Island State Representative and Rules Committee member. “Now, we are taking the fight to end superdelegates to the floor of the Democratic National Convention. This is a huge opportunity to make the Democratic Party more Democratic.”