On Thursday, Dec. 22, the Staunton Senior Center invited residents of Gypsy Hill Place where SSC is located down for an informal open house.
We wanted to meet them, show them our Center, and wish them a Merry Christmas! Although only two residents took advantage of our invitation, Center members thoroughly enjoyed all the goodies, fixing plates to take home. There had been a festive atmosphere all day at the Center as there was stringed Christmas music enthusiastically played and sung by the program director’s husband and two friends and just plain merry making amongst members and staff.
We were reminded of the thoughtful spirit of this time of year as Girl Scout troop #54 dropped off some goodies the day before, so we were able to offer some of those as well as put a lot in the freezer for later occasions.
We wish everyone a most happy new year as we approach the end of 2011 and the beginning of 2012 soon!
More online at www.StauntonSeniorCenter.org.