The City of Staunton is announcing updates to the status of several parks and recreation facilities in accordance with the guidelines of the third phase of the state’s Forward Virginia reopening plan, which is expected to begin on Wednesday, July 1.
Under the Phase Three guidelines, on July 1 Staunton will reopen the Gypsy Hill gym, Gypsy Hill garden center, athletic fields (for league play), Golf Course locker room (including rest rooms), Booker T. Washington Community Center, and public bathrooms in city parks.
Patrons are strongly encouraged to review the detailed use guidelines posted on the city website at before visiting any reopened city facilities.
Guidelines will also be posted at each facility.
The following general guidelines are applicable at all facilities:
- No one with a fever or symptoms of COVID-19, or known exposure to a COVID-19 case in the prior 14 days, is permitted to use any of these facilities.
- Maintain specified physical distancing at all times.
- Avoid contact with others.
- Bring from home and frequently use anti-bacterial wipes and hand sanitizer before, during and after play.
- Consider wearing gloves during play to avoid handling equipment with bare hands/exposed skin.
- No congregating or gathering.
- Proceed to your car and depart immediately following play.
“We are able to continue with the thoughtful and deliberate opening of these important community recreation options due to the conscientious behavior of Staunton residents and visitors. We encourage all facility users to remain attentive to public health and safety recommendations that protect our community,” said Parks and Recreation Department Director Chris Tuttle.
The city anticipates opening other public facilities in the coming weeks and encourages residents to check the Staunton website and social media frequently to stay up to date on the latest announcements.