Pamplin Historical Park & The National Museum of the Civil War Soldier welcomes guest speaker John Horn on Thursday at 7 p.m. to the Petersburg Civil War Roundtable. Horn will discuss the history of the 12th Virginia Infantry in his presentation titled, “Petersburg’s Regiment: The 12th Virginia Infantry.”
Horn spent decades researching the 12th Virginia Infantry through visiting archives and uncovering scores of previously unknown accounts. In his book, Petersburg’s Regiment: The 12th Virginia Infantry, Horn shares personal glimpses of the men who served from the hanging of the abolitionist John Brown through the surrender at Appomattox 1859-1865. Tales of the hard fighting in between includes participation in the battles of Seven Pines, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Spotsylvania and the nine month siege of Petersburg, Virginia.
Horn is a native of the Chicago area who married his wife, a native of Richmond, Virginia. Horn received his B.A. in English and Latin from New College and a J.D. from Columbia Law School. Although he practices law, Horn has always had a passion for history. He has published several articles in Civil War Illustrated and America’s Civil War. He has authored books to include The Destruction of the Weldon Railroad and The Petersburg Campaign. Horn has also co-edited Civil War Talks with fellow author Hampton Newsome and blogs at [email protected].
The Petersburg Civil War Roundtable (PCWRT) will meet the first Thursday of each month at Pamplin Historical Park and the National Museum of the Civil War Soldier from 7-8 p.m. Annual membership is $40. Individuals who are already members of Pamplin Historical Park can become members of PCWRT for $20. Non-members can attend for $5 each meeting. Call (804) 861-2408 for more information.