Home Rockbridge YMCA, Maury River Senior Center to trade classes
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Rockbridge YMCA, Maury River Senior Center to trade classes


Just in time for the New Year’s resolutions that we Baby Boomers will soon be making, the Rockbridge Area YMCA and Maury River Senior Center plan to offer classes at each other’s site. Designed for older adults, “Move It or Lose It” and “Breakfast for Your Brain” will focus on maintaining and improving muscles and minds.

YMCA Executive Director Alysan Raymond and MRSC Director Jeri Schaff explained that each organization was looking for ways to expand their offerings while staying within fixed – and shrinking – budgets. A chance conversation led to the agreement to “barter” classes.

“Move It or Lose It” classes will be held at Maury River Senior Center, and will be taught by Joy Phelps, a YMCA instructor. Focusing on strength, flexibility and balance, “Move It or Lose It” will help active adults maintain the muscles they need to stay active, help achieve a healthy weight, and prevent falls. This class will use both sitting and standing positions and a minimum of equipment so that participants can duplicate the exercises at home.

“Breakfast for Your Brain” classes will take place at the YMCA, under the direction of Jeri Schaff, MRSC director. By engaging all the senses, “Breakfast for Your Brain” helps to strengthen existing neural connections in the brain, and establish new ones. Research shows that the brain acts much like a muscle; using it makes it stronger, more flexible, and better able to recover from injury. “Breakfast for Your Brain” relies on activities undertaken outside of class for much of its success, and participants will be given “homework” such as learning to do one new activity in the following week.

While attendees and instructors can expect to sweat (physically or mentally) in these classes, they are meant to be entertaining as well. Past classes have been very enjoyable, with some participants making new friendships that have lasted ever since. Each class relies on interaction among attendees for much of its success.

“Move It or Lose It” classes will be offered at Maury River Senior Center on Wednesdays at 3:15 p.m., beginning Jan. 11. Participants are advised to wear comfortable clothes and sneakers. “Breakfast for Your Brain” classes at the YMCA will take place on Thursdays at 10 a.m., beginning Jan. 16.

These classes are offered free of charge, although voluntary donations will be gratefully accepted. Advance registration is not required, but participants must attend the first class to be able to continue. Classes are subject to cancellation is sufficient enrollment is not achieved.

For more information about “Move It or Lose It” and “Breakfast for Your Brain” interested persons should call Maury River Senior Center at 540.261.7474.



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