Summer Brawl 2014 opened with two students who have been training at various schools doing an exhibition with some of the Shenandoah Valley Championship Wrestling trainers and mentors, including Phil Brown and Beau Crockett.
KEVIN QUILL and COACH CHRIS DODSON vs. M.I.A. with Eddie Cannon
After the ring cleared and introductions were made, the opening match had Kevin Quill teaming up with Coach Chris Dodson to face the M.I. A. During the match, Eddie Cannon gave his long time foe, Quill an envelope with an undisclosed amount of cash (rumors back stage was that it was over $2500 to walk away from the match. Quill reluctanty took the Cash leaving Dodson to be beaten by Ryan Nuzzi and Sam Bass.
After the match, Cannon mocked Dodson and advised him that it was no his money that bought off Quill. Dodson was attacked brutally by “Simply Shocking” Tommy Williams. Dodson was covered by a mysterious valet who pled for Tommy to stop the onslaught. Tommy went to punch the valet, when he was slapped in the face by her.
A match was made later in the evening with Dodson and Williams.
A hard fought back and forth match ended with Lee dropping Santero for a three count.
I QUIT MATCH – Hannible Alexander vs. Jordan Rogers
As a result of some long time rivalry as trainees under SVCW’s metorship, these two fought from the locker room before the night ever started.
As the match started, the violence and intensity was fever pitched. Both men traded blows and exchanged holds. Alexander focused on the back and neck of Rogers while Rogers attacked the ribs.
Midway through the match, the eerie and somewhat sinister Venom began lurking around ringside. As the match came to an end, Venom struck Rogers with a kendo stick to the back, leading to Alexander’s submission hold…..Rogers tapped out and yelled I quit to the ref.
After the match Venom called out to the Bible quoting Alexander that if he wanted to fight evil he needed to know what evil was…..he asked Alexander to join him and once again become his apprentice. Alexander accepted and named the duo “Righteous Evil.”
Falls Count Anywhere Match – VENOM w/ Hannible Alexander vs BRUISER GRAHAM
Graham fought over the entire stage area of the auditorium of Spotswood High School. Graham was on the upper hand for most of the match. He beat Venom with everything that he had. Venom kept coming back and would not stop.
The end came when Venom held a dazed Graham and called for Alexander to use a metal tri-fold walker from a handicapped person sitting ringside. Alexander went to strike the defenseless Graham but Graham ducked the shot and Alexander’s attack sent Venom of the stage of the Auditorium and through a table 4 feet below. Graham covered Venom and the match was over.
After a special presentation of an autographed Shawn Michaels photo and an autographed photo of Kane from Chris Dodson and Chris Marston to a special needs child in attendance, SVCW’s Wrestling President Chris Marston was approached by Robot Robbie. Robbie provided documentation that Marston had lost his company due to some practices and policies that he had begun. Marston was stunned and the masked henchman of Robbie’s appeared and displayed the muscle behind the power of Robot Robbie’s Pen.
This brought out “Roanoke’s Own” Rolling Thunder, who defended Marston and his efforts to provide wrestling to the fans of the Shenandoah Valley and across the state of Virginia in an ethical manner. He proposed a challenge to Robbie. If Thunder could defeat the masked henchman, Marston would be retained as part of Robbie’s newly stolen company, If Thunder lost, Marston was out.
Before the match Robbie gave the star once known as Cheeks in TNA a check for $5,000 stand with him and leave Marston…
Attacked before the bell, Thunder fought back. Every time it appeared Thunder would gain some momentum he was shut down by the masked man. However after a reversed irish whip to the corner, followed by a splash from the 300 plus pound Rolling Thunder, The Masked Man suffered a Stinky face in the corner and a power slam into a victory for Rolling Thunder.
Marston retains 50% ownership of his company.
Damien Wayne and Lance Erikson were asked to ringside by ring announcer Bill Phipps. The two took turns talking about the disgust they had for being the best tag team in the world, being booked to SUMMER BRAWL and not knowing who their opponents were, or if they even had a match. Lance made the comment that he had looked over the locker room and everyone seemed to be booked in a match. Damien said that he knew that there was no competition for the LOK, but this was ridiculous.
As they left, they vowed that the fans would see them again before the night was over and someone was going to be introduced to the violence.
Shenandoah Valley Streetfight HAFU vs CHRIS DRAVEN
Having seen Hafu previously, this special challenge was made to the Tongan Beast by the Shenandoah Valley’s own Draven. Both men traded blows, destroyed trashcans, brooms, and even used crowbars and chairs during the match. In the end, the bigger stronger HAFU destroyed Draven with some slams to gain the pinfall.
After the match, HAFU made a challenge to any team that wanted to step in the ring with him on Aug 2, at the next SVCW event. He said he had his partner, and the violence and destruction witnessed at Summer Brawl would not hold a candle to what was in store upon his return to the Shenandoah Valley.
“Simply Shocking” TOMMY WILLIAMS vs “Coach” CHRIS DODSON w/ Queen B
A physical and brutal match. Tommy brought all kinds of violence and Dodson dug deep and countered at every turn.
At one rally point, however, the ref took a bump to the outside which opened the door for Eddie Cannon and MIA to return. Cannon went for the ref, and Bass and Nuzzi went for Dodson. Both men downed the Spotswood coach and then helped Williams to his feet.
However, out came the All-American Beau Crockett and Kevin Quill wielding chairs. Bass and Nuzzi bailed to the back. Crocket slammed Williams, Quill covered Williams with an almost lifeless Dodson. Cannon finally got the ref back in the ring for the one two three…..However, he failed to see that Williams had his shoulders to the mat and Dodson was the winner.
Dodson, Crockett and Queen B celebrated and Quill offered and apology and was embraced by Dodson for leaving him earlier.
30-Minute Iron Man Match PAT CUSICK vs PHIL BROWN
Before the match started Cusick took the mic and explained that he had indeed fought Brown across the state of Virginia and all over the Mid Atlantic. He told the fans that he had much respect for the “Platinum Icon.” He also said that he had heard Erickson and Wayne were looking for a fight. He told Brown that he did not want to fight him….but suggested that the two of them bury the hatchet and face the Lords of Kaos…Brown accepted and the challenge was on.
LOK was quick to answer the challenge and the match started hot with Brown and Wayne. Both members of LOK complained about Brown cheating which the fans and ref did not see. Momentum was clearly with Brown and Cusick for most of the match. LOK was rattled and had some fans get the better of them at ringside. In the end, however, LOK proved that they were “the best tag team in the world,” getting a pin on the fan favorites.
The fans were thanked for coming and reminded of the Aug 2 return of Shenandoah Valley Championship Wresting to Spotswood High School which will be highlighted by ECW’s Axl Rotten and Balls Mahoney as well as WCW’s Lodi.