Smoking weed produces an unpleasant smell that you might want to get rid of. Whether the smell is from your personal use or from an inconsiderate neighbour, roommate, or family member. You can cover up fresh odours with air fresheners, body sprays, and proper ventilation.
We recommend these methods to get rid of the smell of weed:
Spritz some air freshener
A well-trusted brand of air freshener is a great way to mask fresh cannabis odours. Try spraying or plugging in an air freshener in a room or car shortly after smoking. Even if you do not smoke yourself, you can use an air freshener once you notice a fresh weed scent in the air.
Light a scented candle
Scented candles, the ones that can be bought at any grocery store can help easily mask the scent of weed. Some malls even have stores dedicated to selling scented candles, feel free to experiment with several types and scents of candles so you can choose your favorite or most efficient candle.We suggest going for something with a natural scent, like pine. Strong scents can seem suspicious, letting people know that you’re trying to cover something up.
Spray odour removers
Spray odour removers or odour neutralizers can be an easy way to get the job done. These products go beyond masking unwanted smells, they remove them. You can spritz the air with odour removers and you can spray them over your carpeting and furniture to remove set-in smells. Febreexe is ideal for removing odours from furniture and carpets.Remember to read the manufacturer’s instructions before spraying as some products should not be used on a particular type of fabric or carpeting. You can test out the product on a small corner of carpeting or fabric first to ensure it does not discolorate the fabric.
Try body spray
Try covering up any lingering smell of marijuana on your clothes with scented body spray or perfume. After smoking, remove the smell from breath by chewing mint-flavoured gum or brushing your teeth and rinsing with mouthwash. If you have any breath strips, you can use them to cover up the weed smell.
Ventilation is a trusted way to remove the smell after smoking weed. Use a fan or keep a window open. Sometimes the wind may blow the smoke back into the room, so in this case you could keep the fan on, facing the open window to redirect the smoke back.
Cooking food with strong odours can actually cover the smell of cannabis if you use the right ingredients. We suggest cooking with onion, garlic and strong spices.
We also recommend preventing weed smell in storage. Here are some suggested methods:
Use airtight containers
Try storing your cannabis in an airtight, sealable container to minimize the odour present in the room where your marijuana is being stored.3 You can use a mason jar, a Tupperware container, or a vacuum-packed bag.
Seal in a Ziplock bag
Ziplock bags are a great alternative to sealable, airtight containers. Putting your weed in a sandwich bag can help mask the odour. You can also seal any device you use to smoke weed, such as a pipe, in a Ziploc bag afterwards to cover up the smell. mask the odour. Always make sure the pipe is cool before storing it to avoid a potential fire hazard.
Use a carbon filter
If you’re cannabis home-grower you’ll know that the smell can become quite overpowering. Try buying a carbon filter to help remove odour from the room or closet where you are growing pot, you can purchase one from your local greenhouse or you can order a carbon filter online. We suggest using a filter with a 6-inch exhaust filter. You’ll also need a fan that has a smaller CFM rate compared to your carbon filter. CFM rating is intended for measuring air flow. This means that a fan cannot be used simultaneously with a filter that has a lower rating. For instance, you can search for the CFM rating on the label of your filter box. If it is measured at 300- you need to ensure the fan has a maximal rating of 300 or lower.
Since each state has different laws for growing weed for personal use, make sure you are legally allowed to grow cannabis on your property before doing so. Thoroughly review your state’s regulations before attempting to grow marijuana.
Place air fresheners near your weed
To complement the above methods, place some air fresheners around where you store your weed. A few plug-ins or gel-based air fresheners can be helpful in removing the unpleasant scent of pot lingering in the air. Remember to use air fresheners with a natural scent to avoid suspicion.