VDOT will host an online public meeting on Thursday, June 4 to provide information about the 5th Street Corridor Study.
The purpose of the ongoing study is to identify multi-modal transportation needs and improvements within the Route 631 (5th Street / Old Lynchburg Road) corridor in Charlottesville and Albemarle County.
The online meeting will be held from 6-7 p.m. on June 4. A presentation on the study will begin at 6 p.m., followed by a question and answer session from 6:30-7 p.m. The meeting requires preregistration at bit.ly/5thstreetwebinar
A computer or smartphone is needed to participate in the meeting. If you plan to use a smartphone, download the GoToWebinar app for Android or iPhone before the meeting. The meeting presentation materials will be provided to registered attendees and will also be posted on the study’s webpage one week before the meeting.
An online survey to collect public comments about transportation options for the 5th Street corridor will be available beginning May 28; responses will be taken through June 26.
The corridor study will evaluate conditions for automobiles, bicyclists and pedestrians along 5th Street between Harris Road in Charlottesville and Ambrose Commons Drive in Albemarle County. The study envisions 5th Street becoming a Complete Street by improving safety and efficient travel by all users, managing congestion, supporting development and supporting environmental sustainability and community health.
More information about the 5th Street Corridor Study is available on the study webpage.