I am responding to Ken Plum’s article, Congress in the Clutches of the NRA. I disagree with gun control on many levels. I think everyone deserves a right to bear arms. It’s a constitutional right and a safety mechanism.
First, it’s a constitutional right. It was written to keep us protected and to let us have our freedom of choice. If we follow and abide by all of the religious historical documents then why don’t we abide by the constitution?
Finally, it is a safety mechanism. Everyone is entitled to safety. Someone can kill you with a knife just as likely as someone can kill you with a gun. Guns make certain people feel safe and if they make you feel safe then it is your right to have it. You are entitled to your happiness.
I feel very strongly about this topic. I’m glad there haven’t been any laws made against guns and I hope it stays like that. Everyone deserves their right to safety, freedom, and happiness.
Madison Allen is a student at Waynesboro High School.