Sixth District Democratic Party congressional nominee Kai Degner will hold a press conference on Monday to discuss his campaign’s Vision for Action.
Degner, who is challenging incumbent Republican Congressman Bob Goodlatte, will focus on reforming campaign finance rules, creating fair districts, term limits, and protecting voting rights.
“Big money, gerrymandering, and entrenched career politicians have created a government run by special interests, rather than people – and this must change,” said Degner, who released a Vision for Action to Create a Government Of, By, and For The People. “It is time to recommit to having a government of, by, and for the people, and confront the fact government works better for corporations and the wealthy than it does for everyday Americans.”
Degner will extend an invitation to voters to attend his September 17th summit titled, Creating a Government Of, By, and For The People. All voters, including Rep. Goodlatte, are invited to attend.
To demonstrate his commitment to reducing corruption and the influence of money in politics, Kai Degner will sign the Anti-Corruption Agreement. This agreement relates to passing The American Anti-Corruption Act, which last year saw support from Rep. Sarbanes (D-MD) and 100 congressional colleagues, who wrote a letter asking Rep. Goodlatte to release to the House floor key bills for voting rights and fighting big money in our political system. He has not done so.
“Representative Goodlatte is chairman of the Judiciary Committee and thus has more power than the average congressman to push for solutions but he refuses to do so,” says Degner. As evident in the response to last week’s NAACP sit-in in Rep. Goodlatte’s office, Degner is the only candidate in the race for the 6th congressional district in the U.S. House of Representatives calling for restoring the protections against suppressing voting rights of citizens. “On these fundamental threats to citizenship and representative government, Congressman Goodlatte is not just one of many who let these problems exist: his personal inaction keeps us from becoming a more perfect union in these areas.”
Candidate Degner will be joined on Monday by representatives of the Roanoke City Council, the NAACP, Represent Roanoke Valley and other community advocates. Speakers will emphasize Goodlatte’s nationally relevant chairmanship of the House Judiciary Committee.
“All citizens of Virginia’s 6th congressional district deserve a voice in the election process and a representative in Congress who listens to their concerns and is responsive to their needs rather than someone who only repeats party talking points and listens to Political Action Committees more than people,” said Degner.