For many people, weekends come and go too fast to be enjoyed. Before you close your eyes and open them, it’s Sunday again. Meaning you’ve got to start preparing for work the next day.
This reality has deprived many people of the opportunity to enjoy their weekends.
In this post, we want to change the narrative.
If you have to work 9 to 5 from Monday to Friday, you surely deserve a refreshing 60 hours of rest.
1. Make out a plan
Funny how people make plans for the week but choose not to do the same for their weekends. I mean, almost everyone wakes up on a Monday morning with a notepad containing the week’s to-do list.
Yet, somehow, we don’t feel like we need to do the same for our weekends.
Well, my friend, not making plans for your weekend is the reason you come out of it feeling disappointed.
If you want a refreshing weekend – one that helps you recharge your mental and physical batteries – then you need to make a plan for it.
For starters, you can start by planning a weekend getaway with the family, organizing a picnic, inviting friends over, researching events/concerts to attend, or making arrangements to have the house to yourself.
For the sake of perspective, see how this family planned their weekend getaways from Chicago.
2. Avoid doing the same things
It is easy to think we don’t have time to do much over the weekend. As such, we just settle for the routines – sit in the house, watch movies, sleep, and prepare again for Monday.
Well, News Flash, that’s a far cry from the truth.
Your weekend comes with nothing less than 60 hours. That’s a whole lot of time to get out of your comfort zone and try out something new.
You’re never going to feel satisfied just sitting down in the same four walls you spent your Monday to Friday. You need a break from the norm to feel something different. So, go out there, join a club, meet new people, visit the park, try out new hobbies, and cross items off your bucket list.
3. Don’t be alone or be alone
For those of us who work in crowded spaces from Monday to Friday, detaching from people can seem like the best way to have a refreshing weekend.
Therefore, find a serene environment to chill and watch your weekend past.
However, if you work from home, then chances are you’ve spent your Monday to Friday all alone. As soon as the weekend approaches, go out there and mingle with people. Have some fun, make new friends, and try out new experiences.
4. Be purposeful about making the weekend memorable
Most people believe holiday vacations are the only time one could create memorable experiences. They forget that weekends are nothing but mini holidayS.
Despite being just two-and-a-half days, there are so many memories you can create with your weekend. You just need to sit, think, and come up with something to do.
The beautiful thing about doing this is it helps you have a fulfilled weekend. There’s no way you can plan to create memories with your weekend and then come out of the weekend feeling unfulfilled or like the weekend has just passed by.
5. Get ideas from friends
A common question you hear popping up on Fridays is, ‘what are your plans for the weekend?’ Everywhere you go, everyone just seems to be interested in what everyone is doing for the weekend. Sounds like snooping into other people’s private life, right?
Well, not exactly.
People ask this question because they want to fit into other people’s weekends. Anyhow, somehow. Sometimes they have plans themselves; they just need more faces to make it more fun. Other times, they don’t have any plan; they’re simply looking for who has so that they can have a nice time over the weekend.
You, too, can start asking a similar question today. You will never know the opportunities out there until you attempt to find out.
6. Allow for some downtime
Finally, you don’t want to overwork yourself. As much as you want to burst through the town and have the fun of your life, don’t forget work resumes on Monday, and you have to stay energized.
Therefore, whatever you do, make room for downtime.
Story by Uday Tank