Google is not a stranger to anyone on the planet. The search giant is among the most mentioned names in the world. Growth Rocks suggests that Google is one of the “Big Five” tech firms that influence the internet today. Google is also responsible for how SEO ranking happens, and its rules are what webmasters around the globe use to enhance their websites so that Google’s search engine can find them. As the world’s go-to resource for search engine optimization, surely their own sites are exempt from the hoops they make the rest of us jump through, right?
Obeying the Rules
As easy as it would be to “stack the deck” in their favor, Google instead aims to get to the top of their own search rankings the old-fashioned way. Google provides guidelines to webmasters who want to make their websites more accessible for the search engine’s spiders to crawl. Since they intend to lead by example, Google’s sites also obey these same rules when it comes to search engine ranking. Some companies don’t have the time to go through an audit, and instead hire consultancy such as YEAH! Local to help them develop their SEO strategy. As SEO demands change every few months, having a consultant might be a needed expense for a business that depends on search engines to drive traffic.
Slow, Gradual Improvements
When Google’s search engine algorithm first entered the scene, it was concerned with ensuring that keyword stuffing sites didn’t hijack search engine results. The earliest iterations of Google’s search algorithm relied heavily on keywords, and this led to nefarious users stuffing their websites with keywords to drive traffic. And it worked, for a while at least. Google’s newest iterations for search have all but eliminated keyword stuffers. By changing the algorithm ever so slightly with each iteration, they aim to help consumers get results that appeal to their intent, instead of their keywords.
Playing the Game with Everyone Else
Google’s SEO for their sites takes into account this intent-based search function. With all of their sites centered around offering a singular service, there’s no need for keywords to clutter up the user interface. By keeping things simple, Google can tap into the intent-based search system by offering users a function that suits their needs. This functionality effectively uses the company’s forward-thinking principles as a demonstration that even the biggest among us still have to play by the same rules.